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Everything posted by ATB

  1. Tav at cb is the most stupid thing I heard. He is way to short to play there in the pl. such a stupid selection. But with Colo along side him he probably will do ok. Would been better with perch central and Tav at rb.
  2. Would like that. Hopefully we will start to play some good football too.
  3. Not the ordinary doctor clothing is it
  4. ATB

    Other clubs' transfers

    Don´t know if anyone has said this already. But Zlatan will earn about £200 000 per week at PSG. The swedish paper is running an article were there are showing that he will earn an average swedish salary in one day. Personally, I think that is a disgrace.
  5. ATB

    Other clubs' transfers

    oh finally done then... It has just been mental here in Sweden. Swedish newspapers has for example running live updates for over a week now at there online Papers, and reporters has even been out and "testing" Paris for Zlatan But Zlatan to PZG what a wasted of talent.
  6. Hmm, Helsingborg (the Swedish champions) is playing some Welsh team at the moment in the second round of the CL-QL and is really struggling at the moment. You can´t be overly impressed with the standrard of the swedish league at the moment I´m afraid
  7. We have the best squad we have had in many, many, many years. Quit yer whinin'. I don´t know how you say over here. But I think it is a kind of "you always wants more" moment
  8. Rosenborg, Aalesund, Tromsø and potentially Molde. Will be quite close for me too. Almost closer.
  9. One thing that has hit me in the pre season so far (it will be a shock to all of you I know) is that we really need a few more quality players We are missing quite alot of our first teams players right now, I know. But I get quite worried when I see players like perch and Willo at cb, Raylor at lb, Simpson at rb, Gosling center or Shola at the top (but he is still a forward, because after he and Ba went off we didn´t have any forwards at all in the team ) for a few examples, and knowing that they are either starting players or one injury or tactical chances from starting.
  10. ATB

    Other clubs' transfers

    Who is that? And why would Spurs sign a out of contract player from Brighton (My FM team)! If, of course, he only has seen his contract out, like mighty Simpson is intending to do (ok I will stop my hatred for him a while now).
  11. Count me in too It would be awesome to get Elfsborg. Relatively close (it is a long country...) and cool to meet some country men, with media and all. I´m not bothered to check my self. But are there any norwigen teams left that we can meet?
  12. But he is happy Cheicky. And we all know that all the Cheicky´s will get sold in profit (see serious Cheicky - eventually it will happen ) he will already be gone by then
  13. ATB

    Papiss Cissé

    If it just a cold it could almost be good for Cissé with an soft start so he doesn´t get burned out or anything. But of course I still hope he can be back as fast as possible. But even if he won´t be playing this weekend I anyway hope he will have started to train again. Definitely a key player for us. Without a Cissé in shape we won´t get anywhere next season.
  14. Simpson is one of very few players I can´t stand in our team. I would hate it, just hate it if he was a starter this season I mean. The sequence in the last 10 minutes in the last game sums him up preatty much How anyone could live with a player with that kind of quality, when competing for top 6 and when pretty much every other position in our team is of high quality, is beond my. Sort it out pards. Buy Debuchy NOW!
  15. Think Obertan and Jonas is way better when they play in a central position.
  16. think Sammy is overrated. I have never seen a game I have been impressed with him or when he has shown any sign of quality. Were is Fergy?
  17. We´re playing shit. Long, direct balls with bad touches. And Ba (again), Sammy and Romain can´t bet his man. Frustrating to see.
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