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Everything posted by ATB

  1. Coentrao is so unbelievable good going forward. Taking the piss all the time
  2. If he can play both LB and as a defensive midfielder then it would be an excellent signing.
  3. What a lovley first day that was, and the best part is that this day is only going to be even better
  4. yep any reason why? don´t know. but don´t like it.
  5. Poland is just a lovley team to watch with especially a great rb. Carr
  6. Love the audience. This is going to be awesome!
  7. Finally. Let it all begin
  8. I think am jealous and sad about Villa and Pools new managers. First of all I really like them and is not happy that they have chance from teams I like to teams I don´t.... also think they will make a great job in there new clubs. I´m not looking forward to the next few seasons. Hopefully we will make it even better!
  9. Why don´t we every do a "sign and a loan" like every other proper "big club". As been said. This sounds like an ideal "sign and loan".
  10. Has Rodgers signed for Liverpool I truly really hate Liverpool and truly really adore Rodgers as I think he will a fantastic coach. This is not good. I don´t like this one bit. I´m sorry Rodgers. You are going to coach Liverpool. I hope you will fail miserably.
  11. ATB

    The England Thread

    Not convinced. Don't think he is anywhere near as good as he is made out to be. Next season will be make or break with him at Manure. He was injured over half the season Looked a real class act when played, especially at the start of the season. With that form he had then he would had been in the squad.
  12. ATB

    The England Thread

    would play Jones instead of Johnson.
  13. First they miss everything. Then when the pressures really comes in play they just cant miss
  14. You can see that it is a low league game. The players just don´t have the nerves Huddersfield
  15. You must have had some monumentally low expectations.
  16. Love all the suggestions in here Though still an absolutely daft proposal. It´s easier to win at penalties than in open play. But it´s not a lottery and if a team don´t want penalties, attack! How on earth should you do if a game is tight? In football you can´t play for ever. The games would never been settled.
  17. What a mug. Hopefully he moves and than sees what he misses out. Our better. Understands how good he really is and sign a new contract us a back up.
  18. ATB

    Fraser Forster

    Quite sad that he´s not even seems to be considered for the national team looking at the options. Hopefully he won´t stay in Scotland. Shit and boring league.
  19. ATB


    Throw this f***er out. Definitely don´t loan him to a Spanish club if they don´t pay for at least all the salary. They shouldn´t be able to take the advantage of the situation. Worse player for the club then Smith - almost. Am I over dramatically? Probably. But I´m just so sick at players that sucks and gets load of money. Yes we all hate Simpson. But at least he is getting what he is worth (right now anyway).
  20. Yep, this is one of the biggest positives that has surprised me about Pardew. It's easy for us fans to get angry when a good player isn't starting every game, but somehow Pardew has managed to think long-term and introduce players at the right times. And take them out again when needed. Our brilliant start to the season bought him time to consider his moves, but he did it well. Agrees. The problem for fans is just that it is so frustrating to don´t know why a player isn´t playing. If we all knew that he was a long time solution and that Pardew was thinking highly of him then it would be easier to take. Then again everyone would still think differently about how to deal with the solution, but you would probably have an understanding for him. And after all. the manager will always have the advantages to fans and others because they actually can talk and see the players everyday
  21. ATB

    The England Thread

    So sad for Ruddy, he really seemed to looking forward to it I also though he would be a great second goalie (even if he problebly would have been third choice...). And England has always been dependent to Hart. But what the hell Roy. What about Frasier?! Buggs me that Krul is only number third in Holland.
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