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Everything posted by ATB

  1. Taylor Otherwise I don´t no the fuss. think Colo will be alright even if it was a long time ago he played there.
  2. weird game that spurs one. Spurs are totally dominating the game while Stoke has scored two wounder goal from their only chances.
  3. ATB

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    OMG don´t know what to say. so great to see him back! and man. the games against everton and blackpool, no one in our team can do that, feels so depressing the injury. but lovely to see him again
  4. ATB

    The England Thread

    Johnson man. he is so shit. I would prefer Simpson every day. shore he is good going forward. but if you are a fullback you chould be able to defend.
  5. how the fuck couls that be a pen. fucking hate poo
  6. Comparing first choice keepers in PL I think he is one of the worst.
  7. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    You seem to forget that Bolton and Stoke are top ten sides and FA Cup semi finalists to boot. Bolton are competing for Europe and have lost two at home all season, exactly what gives us the right to think we should turn up there and beat them? Because we had a "good tactician" at the helm. Yet his teams those days just surrendered. Even if you lose a good team puts in some sort of effort/decent performance, yet on those occasions mentioned we may as well have stayed on the team coach (except for Perch like, he was needed in the Stoke game.)
  8. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    Pretty much can't agree with anything Otter has said in this lat couple of pages
  9. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    Well, I think I would choose Hughton here.
  10. He shouldn´t be playing LB, he should play LW and maybe be a back up as a LB.
  11. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    Yeah. He is really good. Like him really much. Pardew = Kinnear = Souness
  12. I can´t understand why Stoke always succed and we won´t. Barton hasn´t had a good delivery in 6 months
  13. This just feel so shit. We doesn´t even want to win, just stop Stoke. And with those players, it´s unbelievably that they succeed. Miss you Hughton.
  14. wouldn´t suprise me if Liverpool goes pass the useless Spurs.
  15. FFS Will not end well this. will probably be some crap 4-4-2 or something. Can´t see Enrique holed a high position. Lövet
  16. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    Just said it. Don´t think all our injuries are a coincident, I´m afraid.
  17. This a worrying. Pardew is just like Roeder and Souness. He don´t know how to training properly. Just compare the injuries now and under Hughton.
  18. HAHA..."a Delap had been perfect"...
  19. buuu Wish I was there so I could throw a banana at him!
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