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Everything posted by ATB

  1. Here in sweden the "experts" doesn´t think the Balotelli situation is a red card
  2. ATB


    He should. He did a magnificent job almost getting us relegated. man, wasn´t serious
  3. ATB


    tbh Roeder should ge more credit.
  4. Enrique to Milan, I can live with that.
  5. I know it´s starting to be annoying, but; The most frustrating thing about the Carroll saga is not that we sold him for £35m. It is because Liverpool got Carroll AND Suarez in exchange of Torres. It´s absolutely unbelievable and THAT is annoying. And Liverpool fans was angry when Torres leaved....
  6. Any chance you could just stop posting?
  7. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    me too. I wan´t us to life high up in to the sky
  8. Can´t believe no matter what. We never success while others (don´t want to say any names...) always. sick of it. Liverpool will get in the top 4 next season. We will be in the top 15... hopefully.
  9. ATB

    Shola Ameobi

    Think he actually played well. Obviously he is no Carro... ... so I was quite surprised actually.
  10. ATB

    Steven Taylor

    The thought of us not being able to retain Enrique and Barton cos the likes of Smith and Taylor (who's recently had a completely undeserved raise) are still on the books makes me want to cry.
  11. agrees, especially with the Taylor at RB, as I have said. but just because one bad game it doesn´t mean we will play like that every game. Just looked at the games before when we have been playing good. We are not the only team that can have a disasters game. When I read in here though I start to think that it may be the case... It´s like Ferguson and Wenger thinks their is the only one that gets referee decisions against them
  12. ATB

    Steven Taylor

    The biggest mistake Pardew did yesterday was to brake up the back 4. That was just not ok and one think that really annoys me. Think we would have at least drawn the game if we had not.
  13. Really disappointed with him. Ok, he is good. But that dosen´t make it ok to not give 100 % and really do that. He just looks pissed of all the time and that is not ok no matter how good you are.
  14. For a long parts we were not good yesterday. But I agree. We wasn´t that bad. It wasn´t our day. Pardew did mistakes, the players, it was just a crap day. I think I am the first person to be disappointed because I really wanted us to win. But come on.
  15. ATB

    Steven Taylor

    aye. Routledge wasn´t good enough for were we want to be and this season we will be ok and next season we will bring some really top guns in, so basically we just saved some good money...
  16. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    aye. probably "pure class" is a little bit over the top. but compared to his age and experienced, he is. Still he is good a enough to be playing. and playing time will only improve. but to be honest. i think he will be a better LW than LB. think he´s not that good defensively.
  17. aye, decent. made some good saves yesterday, but come on. He is not good enough. he just can´t move. every time a shot comes beside him he let it in. I hope we give forster a chance too. He seems really good and compared to Krul he has been playing for two years now.
  18. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    Fair enough, Ferguson is young. BUT every time he has played he has been pure class. That sub just reflects the whole game. Ferguson should have been brought on and I want to see more of him now on. He is a better option to use than the likes of Guthire. Get a grip Pardew. Don´t like when you loses the plot every second game.
  19. Think we should go for 5-3-2. Seems like the best formation with the currently squad. would also be great to use it a bit if we are going to be playing it next season if necessary.
  20. ATB

    Kevin Nolan

    I'm devastated. I guess I'll just have to settle for a hat trick against the mackems. Woe is me. Missing the point as per. I acknowledge that there is no one else in our squad that could do a job Nolan does (Getting on the end of things, being in the right place at the right time) and his goals have been absolutely key for us, but as an overall footballer he doesn't have a patch on Dyer. Lampard scores 3 times as many goals as Xavi, who's the better player? Right, how much a player contributes to the team consistently is completely irrelevant in lieu of this abstract concept of "being a better footballer" which I guess for you basically means being fast and having better technique. I am not even going to entertain the Lampard-Xavi comparison. What completely unabashed absurdity. not really
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