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Everything posted by ATB

  1. Good. Now can they fuck off to CC, and stay there, without any mixed feelings.
  2. When is Ireland due to be back? When he sign I though he was out for two weeks, but a while ago it was talk to be four weeks.
  3. ATB

    Shefki Kuqi

    Can´t find anything that says what number he has been given. He just can´t have got the NO.9. surely
  4. ATB


    tbh, would have been intresting to known what he was offered. I mean. for a "real" person it´s probably a fortune and at a level than footballers should earn. oh yea, that is another story...
  5. ATB

    Shefki Kuqi

    ah, you got to love the target man
  6. how's that I will always hold Given over Judas Carroll.
  7. Samba, like Abdoulaye Faye, is a beast and I would absolutely love him here. I like Willi and with the squad we have now he couldn´t be dropped. Play Saylor
  8. the only one that tried to play the whole game. respect
  9. He will never be here the next season
  10. Luck. Liverpool must be the most hunted club ever! I mean. They never lucky and everything is always against them, just ask the fans. but yeah, probably.
  11. Ranger was also scoring a lot of goals at the U and reserv level. Right now I wouldn´t loan him out next season. Have him as an impact sub. As been said. Already he seems to be getting better. Right now its basically the goals that are missing. Its just a shame. Because him and Carroll would have been unstoppable.
  12. Ah, this and the second half totally saved the rest of this season
  13. No, because if we would, every good player would leave. I think the finish of the season is critical. Can we come top 10, we can persuade the players that if we stick the team intact and then spend the money from Carroll, Newcastle has a future. I agree with everyone that the 45 min against Arsenal will the half that saved the entire season. If the match would have continued as it "should" have, we had probably go down.
  14. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    Maybe not my fav manager but I really enjoyed his BBC interview today. Superb
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