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Everything posted by ATB

  1. Tioté - The best a man can get!
  2. To good for the CC, but to bad for PL. Shame for him
  3. That worries me with Pardew. He seems to be a O´Neill type in that department
  4. can´t stand the media fuckers. there just unbelievable.
  5. hopefully he will step up. he need to feel the confidence from Pardew.
  6. For us Carroll is worth so much more than this shit money. He is going to be BIG. We will never replace him in anyway with this amount of money or our status as a club.
  7. Why would we turn £30m down but accept just basically anything over that. stupid. just stupid
  8. Why the hell can Liverpool hold on to Torres but our fuckers are going to sell our bright star Carroll for £35m
  9. and that mean? Just say no and thats it. Or is he meaning Ashleys inside struggle of the temptation demons that says "take the money - sell"
  10. Strømstad Strömstad I heard Svinesund. Sound like its in the north. Pardew did say this: This guy is in the arctic end of Sweden and he’ll be flying out on Friday and we’re hoping he’ll be able to turn him around quickly. Probably Umeå and their sport medical institute where both Zlatan and Vermaalen for exampel been to. it´s a shame that I reasonally moved away from there
  11. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    Next season is the time to judge him, not this no matter what. and will he take us forward. I think not. Ashley won´t help either.
  12. So, is it done or not, with Irleand? Playmaker, what we need, and a good one when he wants to be.
  13. At the highest level of football you can´t feel sorry for people if you want to success. Smith may have been good and the injury may have been the reason that he isn´t anymore. sad. but that doesn´t he should be in our team. Get rid.
  14. Talyor is dreadful and a total prick. That is way Pardew is playing him.
  15. ATB

    Kevin Nolan

    it´s so sad when you think of the captains before Nolan. WTF, no wounder we got relegated.
  16. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    It would be great in many ways to get in to europe. but I think it´s better to miss out this year. we don´t have the squad to compete in europe and the league (and the cups) next season. but next year, then
  17. ATB

    Alan Pardew

    he got lucky with taylor being injured too if he take Saylor back...
  18. ATB

    Danny Guthrie

    I agree, maybe he needs a different way of training to give his stamina a boost. heard that Pardew had some new interesting methods
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