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Everything posted by TêteDeMaure

  1. So that means you'd rather Hughton, if we were to be stuck with either until, say January?
  2. Because they want to keep away from Gerets/Diouf as much as possible. Said players were Gerets favourites. Cana will be getting shitloads of money off the mackems, Liverpool were after him once upon a time, he's coming up 26 (or 27 can't remember), so he's got time to show himself off at a lesser Premiership club to make the grade up. Just like Chamakh, if he can't get to Arsenal now, he'll want to make an impression in this league to move up. Neither player if they shine, are going to stay there in the longterm. On one hand i'd prefered to have kept Cana at Marseille, sentimentally. In reality, M'Bia is a much better player, who isn't all about hard tackling/workhorse effort. Sunderland = The new richer Wigan.
  3. Cana isn't that good tbf. Still too good for the Mackems, will fit right in though, propper dirty bastard. The Marseille fans like him more because he never shies away. Marseille want rid, Deschamps doesn't think much of him, replaced him with M'Bia. Sunderland should have went for the other man imo.
  4. I'm wondering the same myself.
  5. Nothing about pissing off then, shame. Misleading Skirge, i thought it meant ''Butt's Turn! To want to leave''.
  6. I ,genuinely, am on the verge of tears. Words cannot explain.
  7. Yeah Eric Gerets who just signed with Al-Hilal in April. Fail.
  8. Go now, slit our throats quick. He's gone regardless of what happens. Adieu.
  9. Drogba was made for the club. Amazing just how loved he is after one season really. Brandao isn't as good as Drogba like I'm a bit worried if he keeps up the way he played since he's joined, he'll be coming to England. He won't be able to play with Niang all of the time. s*** ITK but my friend lives near him and apparently he speaks excellent English, so much so that was the form of communication between him and Gerets.
  10. Skirge hinney, it wasn't worth the effort it took to type
  11. Ditto. Can't decide if it's refreshing that he's not bullshitting about wanting to be there forever and ever. You scratch my back, i'll scratch yours. Wonder when the next round of Drogba back to L'OM will happen babatunde?
  12. Best club for him. Had a lot down the years, as long as he does something for L'OM in the champions league, or to clinch that elusive title, doubt any Marseillais would give a damn. Like Newcastle in so many ways, people join to go on to bigger and better things, then you get your players on the way to graveyard final paydays. Apparently, M'Bia wasn't over keen on Everton and is doing this one year s*** for a more high profile English club. He's spouted s*** about not wanting to wait for Everton too. Will undoubtedly end up at Stoke at some point in his career.
  13. The twat can stay at the club as long as he talks on the pitch. As far as i'm concerned, a daft challenge on the field, which was mild compared to Nolans and Guthries, is not the same as chinning some fucker for no apparent reason. He promised to sort himself out off the field, he has kept out of trouble has he not? He's the best midfielder we've got, unfortunately.
  14. Because Jonas is and he continually says his English isn't great?
  15. TêteDeMaure


    I think Italy would be his preferred destination rather than Spain.
  16. Would have got this, if i hadn't already bought the other.
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