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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    Sir Alex Ferguson

    Had a mini-argument with my Man U supporting workmates today. Apparently every manager does what Ferguson does all the time. Urgh.
  2. Another positive cameo from him. Long may his form continue I say. I'd probably still have him primarily as an impact sub mind.
  3. Sifu

    Papiss Cissé

    There were a few occasions today where Ba received the ball the wings with Cisse moving inside - I'd like to see more of this interchange in the near future although we do need Ba to pass the ball a bit more.
  4. Sifu

    Sir Alex Ferguson

    And always has been. For all his achievements and success, he's a terrible role model.
  5. To me, that doesn't look too bad now...we're obviously not going to hit the heights of last season but there are signs which indicate that we're in for a strong second half of the season so the complexion of that graph can improve...
  6. It's been 3 hours and 45 minutes since the final whistle and I'm still gutted by the result. That was the best we've played for 90 minutes in a long time. The spirit, attacking intent, possession play - they were all there but we were unfortunately let down by silly defensive mistakes. We definitely didn't deserve to lose that (as was the case with the City game too). Somehow though, the universe always favours the big sides to go that extra mile - we did ride our luck a few times at 3-3 so the score could have very well been higher than what it finished as. Think I hate Van Persie even more after today, really wish someone would give him his just desserts - definitely deserves some sort of beating. All in all though, I am proud of that performance and we just have to focus on the positives (there were a quite a few of them). Today's performance does give us a further platform to build on - we have seen quite a bit of improvement these last few weeks so we're slowly getting to where we want to be imo. Got to say that I am now more optimistic of our chances against Arsenal - play like we did today and we'll give Arsenal a good game.
  7. Ba's full interview with RMC: http://www.galsenfoot.com/demba-ba-arsenal-ou-le-psg-cest-encore-loin/ Translation to follow.
  8. Doesn't look like he said anything that controversial.
  9. Unlikely. RMC are one of those who like to ask a lot of questions. Ba might have been told to not talk about a lot by the club but don't think that will stop him going on a tangent.
  10. Sifu

    Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas to all my fellow forumites. I do love this place Hope your days go well
  11. Positive reading that. Really sounds like he'll be back sooner rather than later and we fucking do need him back in the team as soon as possible. We really are devoid of creativity in the middle. Anita's been doing a good job in trying to be our main creative outlet but that's not his game really.
  12. Sifu

    Shola Ameobi

    So I gather I'm not the only who doesn't want Shola to go to the ACoN? He's still kinda needed for squad depth like...
  13. Sifu

    Loïc Remy

    Should be an face really. But in any case, let's see what happens next month - my distinct worry is that it's going to end up like the Erdinç saga...
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