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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Only just seen the score. Wowsa!
  2. You We're due a result against a decent team, this might be it. If we don't it'll be a raping. Probably not this game mind, what with our atrocious PL record at Old Trafford. Arsenal though, maybe, just maybe.
  3. One of our best players on the pitch today. Was pretty much solid throughout the game.
  4. Good, positive display from Obertan. Some good spells of attacking play and some really good tracking back too
  5. Looks like I'm going to be posting the above every week, if things keep going as they are. As the weeks go by, all I'm feeling with regards to Jonas' continued selection is frustration and annoyance. Lovable bloke though so it's an absolute shame to see him like this.
  6. Well, what did I make of today then? Forgettable first half - it was literally the case of two shite teams cancelling each other out. The second half was much better viewing (which surprisingly came after we switched to 4-4-2). Shola's goal was such a lovely finish, canny technique. I'm delighted with the result, we desperately needed a win today and we got just that despite it being an ugly one. No further complaints from me like, it was always going to be a tense/nerve-wracking game. A win's a win and with Man U, Arsenal and Everton on the horizon, this win could prove crucial to our season...
  7. My garden is now almost flooded and has loads of standing water. Now I'm worried
  8. Play like he did against City and he'll be fine.
  9. think I shall be making a trip tomorrow morning then.
  10. Sifu

    Loïc Remy

    Guesswork galore.
  11. Tickets will still be available for this on the day aye?
  12. Yep, I'm more than satisfied with the draw
  13. I honestly no longer take notice of his comments. What happens on the pitch should do all his talking...
  14. He's never rubbished stuff in a 'I'm not leaving' way. He's loving every second of this tbh. Yeah i should have used "played down" not "rubbished" I watched the video. He knows what he was saying/doing, otherwise why go through the trouble of going on TV and risking the wrath of the management the following morning? He's clearly frustrated about how things are going for the club atm but to basically have a go at the club in public is not the way to go (Cabaye too btw...). Cabaye had a go at the club? Or did Ba have a go at Cabaye? Cabaye basically criticised our style of play, saying it was too defensive and narrow. Basically what we're all thinking really.
  15. He's never rubbished stuff in a 'I'm not leaving' way. He's loving every second of this tbh. Yeah i should have used "played down" not "rubbished" I watched the video. He knows what he was saying/doing, otherwise why go through the trouble of going on TV and risking the wrath of the management the following morning? He's clearly frustrated about how things are going for the club atm but to basically have a go at the club in public is not the way to go (Cabaye too btw...).
  16. Sifu

    Loïc Remy

    Well this is rather pleasant news to come home to. I assume the thread title is up to date?
  17. When I saw this thread bumped, all I could think was: "uh oh, Dave's going to have a fit"
  18. Mind you though, Obertan playing in a side that is bereft of confidence is hardly going to do him any favours... Impact player off the bench is the best option for him atm.
  19. Did Cabaye mention anything about the way we play? Too defensive and narrow.
  20. All I got from that video was a negative vibe
  21. Cabaye's interview was just a segment within the section about Ba.
  22. Hmmm, to finish off that mini section about Ba, Ba himself made an appearance and said: "Will Demba Ba leave Newcastle? For the time being, he's not going to say"... then goes on to say how his first goal against Reading has been his favourite one so far.
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