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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Chris Coleman and Charlie Adam doing the punditry
  2. If we manage to get anything from this game then I'll be fucking delighted.
  3. Sifu


    O'Neill looks very frail these days. His passion for the game is definitely gone imo.
  4. Sifu


    RTG should be a good read tonight.
  5. Gabby on Final Score: "Chance for Sunderland! No."
  6. Who was that against again? I'm sure i was there. Wigan away in 2010/11 iirc.
  7. Sifu


    The ultimate troll. Well in Raylor! The mackems' remarks at Colo and Jonas - "GET A f***ing HAIRCUT!"
  8. I'm looking forward to the mackems' meltdown on RTG [/jinxedit].
  9. Lloris must be thinking why he went to Spurs...only the one appearance for them isn't it?
  10. Not the first time he's mentioned that he wants Wenger out. The c*** (Morgan that is) is the most fickle football fan in the world.
  11. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Chelsea have pulled away from us, Everton may have closed on us, but Arsenal & Spurs seem to be the same as last year...in Arsenal's case, worse imo. Don't think it's too outrageous to fancy 4th still. Whilst we aren't far away from 4th (4 points away aren't we?), our performances have been well below par. If our performances don't improve soon, we're going to find ourselves a long way from the top 6, let alone the top 4. I do trust Pardew to get things clicking sooner rather than later though but as it stands, we're realistically looking at the top 7/8 imho.
  12. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Top 4 (Fast forward to May when we finish 4th ) Seriously though, top 4 is really beyond us. Top 7/8 will do me.
  13. Wouldn't mind him coming back actually. For the right price, he'd be a good signing. What an ill-advised move this was and to what end? A call up to the Spain squad? If anything him joining Liverpool has diminished his chances
  14. Another midfielder? Are we trying to replicate Spain's/Barça's 4-6-0? (CB/RB first and foremost for me).
  15. Good shout that. If Ba doesn't make it, it will force Pardew's hand you'd suspect. Having said that, he could easily start Shola again
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