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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Another ground where we have a horrendous record at. Don't know what to say about this game really other than "I believe". Probably a silly thing to say mind. Pessimism ftw.
  2. Sifu

    Papiss Cissé

    - wonder what odds I'd have got. :lol: Mystic Beren. You should do this more often
  3. Sifu

    St James' Park

    First that coffin business, now this? Bleurgh.
  4. Ah the Sunday transfer chatter. It has been missed (not).
  5. I'm going to stay calm and see what happens. I wouldn't have gone for that lineup personally and it does suggest a specific, perhaps ill-advised, gameplan but there's still 90 minutes ahead of us for us to properly judge. I can understand people's frustrations btw.
  6. A disgruntled player? Little tactics involved? Yep, QPR are going down.
  7. i don't watch unless we are on, just wait for motd2 for all the goals. I'm usually into it even if we're not on. Guess today was just a day of poor quality games.
  8. That was really stupid from Mbia.
  9. I particularly liked how the only first half highlight was Reading's first goal.
  10. And do you know what? I'd be satisfied with that, wouldn't mind too much if it was a s**** performance - would be nice to win a PL game, it's been a while...
  11. It's only the end of October but I've officially given up on this. Commitment.
  12. Oh shut up, he's playing in his proper position. Exactly, Santon himself has said that he feels more comfortable at LB.
  13. How highly do I rate Peter Beardsley, you ask? Very highly, he was a phenomenal player. One of my early NUFC heroes.
  14. From what I saw, it was a bright, positive performance from the lad. Great skill in the build up/assist to Obertan's goal. Hope he continues to make the most of his chances. If he plays like he did tonight in future games, then we've got a good talent on our hands.
  15. I've made the decision not to shave until we win another PL game. Beard's getting a bit itchy now though... Should be enough motivation for the players In all seriousness though, this will be a tough game. West Brom are in good form - they were really unlucky to lose against City last week. Clarke is doing a good job there.
  16. Looked like a professional performance from what I saw. Sammy and Fergie were massive positives tonight.
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