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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. I'm still really undecided about the red card tbh. It looked rather bad in real time but the replays did show that it was in no way malicious. To be brutally honest, it was a 50-50 call for the cunt ref and one which unfortunately didn't go our way. Cheik needs to tone it down a bit mind - it's not the first time he's had a rush of blood to the head and went in hard on a player and fouled them in the process. It's probably down to the nature of the beast but a little coaching will do him some good.
  2. Martin Atkinson should never be allowed to ref a Tyne-Wear Derby ever again. A shambolic refereeing performance, the occasion (and for some reason the atmosphere) clearly overwhelmed him. No bookings for any of the mackems ffs.
  3. Hmmm, that's not as sexy as last season's. Having said that, still early days.
  4. Can't help but feel that we've just lost 2 points there. Urgh. Jammy mackem bastards.
  5. As predicted, I'm a wreck. Stomach is not doing well, need a KFC and a pint in me.
  6. 12 hours left. Time to prepare myself for the day ahead.
  7. Opposite for me. Once I wake up the nerves will have gone and I know worrying about the result won't impact on the actual game itself. You can chew yourself all day but it's pointless energy. Just wait for the game, see what happens an deal with it - good or bad. Wise words midds but I can't help it unfortunately, it's just my nature to be that way on Derby Day. As soon as the game kicks off (and as soon as I have my pint), my nerves will probably settle but until then...
  8. So yep, going to be a right nervous wreck tomorrow morning
  9. Canny win for Norwich and indeed Hughton. He's finally off the mark
  10. Well that just reinforces how much of a scummy lot Leeds fans actually are. Idiots.
  11. Fantastic news Having all three back will be a massive boost indeed.
  12. Nerves are starting to creep in like... Derby Day is really bad for my health
  13. Enrique's time to shine.
  14. The cunt still can't get it through his head that he's wasting a chance of a lifetime. ARGH!
  15. Sifu

    St James' Park

    Got to say, seeing that "straight talking football banner" outside St James' made shudder a little...
  16. Sifu

    St James' Park

    Welcome back sign. (But was a renaming ceremony really necessary?).
  17. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Just caught up with this thread. It saddens me that I'm no longer surprised by the comments with regards to the national team. The pride and passion (including mine) has pretty much disappeared.
  18. Harper doing the People's Elbow. Enough said really. (And knacking Best at the same time )
  19. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Well then that's another England game I'm going to miss. I plan to do a late one at work tomorrow to make up for my being off sick these past couple of days. Missing this game is no big loss I guess...
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