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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    The England Thread

    s*** game. Just about a fair result and I mean just.
  2. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Oh bye bye Stevie. As soon as that tackle went in, I just knew that was going to happen.
  3. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Welbeck to save the day. Cleverley off, thank fuck.
  4. Sifu


    The Collins Dictionary is a disgrace. Chillax has been added too.
  5. Sifu


    People are choosing to believe Steve fucking Wraith? The man's a cretin.
  6. I'm probably just being paranoid about it all. As I've said above, I've encountered no trouble thus far and I hope that continues to be the case now and in the future.
  7. If I'm being honest, I do worry about myself being targeted because of my race whenever I go to an away game on my tod. There really are some fucking twats amongst our support. Thankfully I've encountered no trouble thus far but there's still that worry in the back of my mind. This is basically why I wear a "Kick Racism out of Football" badge to every away game I go to.
  8. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Looks like Woy is doing his best to try and get into Liverpool's good books/Christmas Card list again. Sterling ffs
  9. There's a tram that goes to the Stadium. 20 minute journey iirc. Thats champion if so like. Be spending the day in Victoire all day then a tram upto the ground You need to take the blue line tram to Merignac from Hôtel de Ville though. Victoire's on the red line.
  10. There's a tram that goes to the Stadium. 20 minute journey iirc.
  11. This is becoming a joke nothing's going our way whatsoever. But again, unless there's proper confirmation from Pardew/Krul, I'm refusing to believe that tweet. [/headinsand]
  12. As it stands, our defensive options (that is, those are who currently fit and assuming Colo is actually injured) are: Saylor, Williamson, Perch, Tavernier, Santon, Ferguson, Good, (Anita) [i've put him there because he is a good contingency plan for RB], (Jonas) Our defence will most likely be: Anita Saylor Williamson/Perch* Santon *Depending on the opposition With that in mind, our backup options would be one of Perch/Williamson, Tavernier and Good which I suppose isn't too bad. An injury to Perch/Williamson/Saylor though and we would definitely be in the s***.
  13. And aye, a few loans/free transfers here and there wouldn't go amiss...
  14. Looks like we're going to have to count on your youth players a lot this season (which isn't necessarily a bad thing imo). However, we really can't be counting on the like to just immediately step up to the plate - whilst on the one hand, it would be a good experience, it could equally be a bad experience for them on the other.
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