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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Anyone else's picture not syncing up with the sound? EDIT: never mind, all is well.
  2. Ljungberg isn't really going to offer much insight/analysis is he?
  3. I reckon that, to aid his bedding in process, he should start the next few games or so at RB. That way, he can get used to the pace of the PL and settle in properly and then his time will come in CM.
  4. Don't call him that ever again Why? I love sideshow bob For me, it implies that you're referring to David Luiz.
  5. Sifu

    The England Thread

    All I'll say is, thank fuck.
  6. I think we'll be pretty much full strength. The back 4 will be almost certainly be: Perch Colo Saylor Santon Our attack will be strongish, think we'll see Shola and Cissé upfront. The big question is over who we'll start in midfield, Tiote and Marveaux are certainties imo.
  7. Fantastic news. I can see us being pretty much full strength on Wednesday then.
  8. For the first time ever this season, we did have a somewhat decent first half! For the first 45 minutes, it certainly looked like we had a lot more urgency and we should have really been at least 2-0 up at half time (poor from Cissé but once he gets his goal, he'll be up and running again). That second half was shaky as fuck. Got to say, I was a nervous wreck throughout. Nothing was really happening for us - it seemed as if the penalty miss knocked us back a bit (and at the same time gave Norwich a bit more confidence in that they knew they were still in the game). Our defence looked pretty solid today so that's a positive but there is still plenty of room for improvement. Improving our possession retention could be a decent starting point like... Still though a win's a win so onwards and upwards.
  9. Ah but you see Dave, whilst it didn't work at all in the past, Williamson did actually connect with a few today. Progress
  10. Sifu

    Papiss Cissé

    Yep, not worried as such. He's just going through rather rough patch. We all know what he's capable of, he'll be back to his old self in time...
  11. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    It really is such a pleasure to see him play for us. The spark and flair he gives us is so important to the point that we'd be rather fucked without him.
  12. Sifu


    It did look as if he wanted to say those exact words imo!
  13. Sifu


    Unlucky from Nolan that.
  14. What is that on Ashley Cole's head?
  15. Oh fuck off Ivanovic you cretin.
  16. Can always count on Ricky Lambert like.
  17. Sifu


    You could seriously write a psychology dissertation on the mackems and their inferiority complex. A guaranteed first right there.
  18. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    Adkins has obviously clocked onto how about Kelvin Davis is. It's a good thing for them that Adkins has realised this very early on. Such a terrible keeper.
  19. Sifu


    I can hear the penny dropping.
  20. Sifu


    Got to love Nolan like. You just knew it had to be him!
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