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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Yes it was but as per Suarez's reputation, he was never going to get it.
  2. If they don't get a win soon, can see Hughton being given the boot
  3. The more I see Bale's celebration, the more I hate it.
  4. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    The Allardyce-Pardew "comparisons" again. f***'s sake.
  5. I think so but he should start Left midfield for me, his last two subs appearances deserve a start. IMO, Fergie can certainly fill in at left back if need be but it's becoming apparent that he's more of a left winger and I guess that's where his long term future lies.
  6. I agree. I have faith in you Skirge.
  7. Just saw the latest quotes from Pardew about Abeid... well got to say, this is a peculiar one. You have to wonder what's happened that's changed the management's mind about Abeid (especially between the period of that promising performance against Blackburn in the FA Cup to now). Attitude problems? Ability issues? A loan would do him a lot of good, it's done Tavernier a load of good so can see the same happening with Abeid.
  8. I've completely neglected this for the past few weeks. My points total is going to look horrible
  9. Sifu

    Steven Taylor

    Lee Ryder ‏@lee_ryder #nufc AP on Taylor: "He has a calf strain and he could be OK for #mufc"
  10. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Pardew will be honest about it all.
  11. It was basically a repeat of his performance on Wednesday: a bright attacking spark who can whip a delicious ball into the box. I fully expect to see him start on Thursday.
  12. I always look forward to matchday and I do enjoy seeing us line up in those Black and White stripes and play a game of football. Pride and passion certainly have something to do with it. The level of enjoyment I actually get from watching a game does, of course, depend on our performance. If we lose/draw but had put in a good performance then I can say I enjoyed that game and I would applaud the players for their efforts (such as Wednesday night against Man U); if we win but the performance was dogshit, then questions/issues do get (rightly) asked but I can usually live with it, especially if we see an improvement in our play subsequent weeks/games. Then there's the simple ones: if we're losing but are losing horribly, I mentally switch off; if we win and are winning brilliantly then fantastic days await.
  13. Sifu

    Steven Taylor

    Probably took him off as a precaution. Looked like he was moving fine when he came off [/optimism]
  14. So aye, we were shite and we definitelt got away with that. Let's just leave it at that.
  15. get a f***ing grip. Oh no you're right, we've been brilliant today, totally not deserving of being behind, and tavs is world class like bags of potential future england player for sure and loads of prem experience, and anita totally wasn't a versatile title winning player last season. You can get a f***ing grip. :lol: If you're blaming this performance, and the many documented problems of this team squarely on the shoulders of James Tavernier (who by the way, had a fantastic game at Old Trafford in midweek to show off the excellent potential that he has) then I strongly advise you seek help. I'm not though, I'm just saying it's a f***ing horrible decision to bring on him when we have anita who can play there and who is miles better. You described Tavernier as League 1 at best. But I am not blaming him for the whole performance of the team today. But you seem to be writing him off already.
  16. He's really trying his best to get sacked isn't he?
  17. Bigi and Tiote in the middle? Reading are going to get fucked up
  18. If it's wisdom teeth then it is somewhat understandable - they are a right f***er. Too much pain.
  19. A "mouth infection" is the official line. Btw, there's no way I would question Cabaye's commitment/dedication to the cause.
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