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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    St James' Park

    This would be awesome. Would love to see this at some point in my lifetime (if not the near future).
  2. Did you try to buy the "two tickets for £30" package or did you just ask for an individual ticket for our game? The former. Would have probably gone to the Wolves game too. I see, well that throws my plans out the window hmmm.
  3. Did you try to buy the "two tickets for £30" package or did you just ask for an individual ticket for our game?
  4. Sifu

    Papiss Cissé

    David Crossan (@davidmcrossan on Twitter) has translated a l'Equipe interview with Cissé:
  5. Oh, so he wants to go to Liverpool? Fine then, next.
  6. Sifu

    St James' Park

    This is brilliant news Great move by the club.
  7. So yep, it's going to end in tears as per usual.
  8. Dinho's win tonight has inspired me to get into betting again. Weekly accys here I come.
  9. That sums it up. Brutal truth.
  10. Whatever happens Dinho lad, let tonight be a lesson to you.
  11. Woah, Dinho lad, that's a very bold bet! (especially for someone who only started betting a couple of days ago!)
  12. This game could go either way. Canny entertainment.
  13. Wait until June when we'll have a full month of his face on our screens... http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m1xlibsQxy1qh8wujo1_400.gif I'm liking your gifs in this thread!
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