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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Great to hear he's okay. Those were very worrying scenes. Look forward to seeing back on Sunday
  2. Sifu

    Papiss Cissé

    What a f***ing strike that was for his second goal. Certainly one of the best I've ever seen - the swerve, the technique, oh my! So f***ing good :fwap: (His first goal wasn't bad either )
  3. Just seen the lineup. So, Simpson is actually out... All I'll say is I'm looking forward to Perch destroying Chelsea!
  4. I hope this isn't the case like! (See Betting Thread).
  5. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Hoping to see him destroy Cole tonight. Will be quite a sight to behold! Allez Hatem
  6. 115/1 Contingency Plan. Safe. I like it. Haha, I actually did get some weird looks in the bookies. But I believe!
  7. Going to attempt to watch this game in a pub in Manchester tonight. Will see how that goes...
  8. Put a bet on us to win 4-3 tonight with Demba scoring first. £1 on odds of 470/1 My contingency plan is 2-2 with Ba scoring first. £1 on odds of 115/1.
  9. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    Guess I shouldn't be surprised that he said fuck all. He won't mind though, Joey does like the attention. Aye, think the BBC called him up to do the show because he's "controversial."
  10. Oh, that really would be one of the best things to happen ever (if not in recent times). Unlikely it'll happen this season but if Dalglish is still manager next season, then who knows? A man can dream.
  11. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    So, is he saying anything remotely interesting? (I think I know the answer...)
  12. It seems that the main argument against Roy (from what I've seen on Facebook anyway) is that he failed at Liverpool. Shite argument if you ask me.
  13. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    If this is true then it would be a very good signing indeed. Arsenal would also be signalling their intent/target for next season (more than likely a title challenge) and that could be enough to keep Van Persie at the Emirates.
  14. Same, after all, he was signed for a low fee and has done a decent enough job here imho. Yes, he does have his limitations (and that does lead to mistakes unfortunately) and yes, he is probably the weakest link in the team but some of the abuse he gets on here (things like "he's a c***", etc.) is quite OTT imo. If he does make a mistake in a game that costs us a goal, then yeah he does deserve a bit of criticism (it's the same with every other player - do well = praise; do bad = criticism). A bit of balance here and there wouldn't go amiss like. If Danny goes, he goes. Would wish him all the best for the future.
  15. Just caught up with the news, yep, I'm quite happy with this. (f*** you Harry )
  16. He's blatantly going to make it for Wednesday. He always recovers from his "injuries".
  17. That should be put in the British Museum tbh.
  18. Agreed. Fancy us. Same here, it's my gut feeling.
  19. There goes my fantasy football points. Oh well.
  20. My highest scorer this weekend was Walker with 15 points. Dropped down to 112nd place, think my dream of a top 100 finish is over.
  21. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    Just caught up with today's events, so I see that Podolski's transfer to Arsenal is a done deal. Good signing though I still sort of see him as a Van Persie replacement...
  22. I now have a sudden urge to head into town, haha.
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