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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    LOL at Lolro

    Thanks Lawrenson, much appreciated.
  2. Hmmm, still think we'll try and sign him this summer, he just fits the profile! Though, if we get Douglas, then I won't be too disappointed with Mbiwa deciding to go elsewhere.
  3. So if West Ham win, we can blame you?
  4. Ha, nicely done joeyt! In terms of the game, the atmosphere at St. James' will be key to us getting a result against City. If the crowd's up for it, then the players will certainly be up for it too.
  5. Cabaye is one of the reasons for our brilliant season. He really is a different sort of class, we have a player who consistently gives 100% to the cause (the amount of running he does in a game, be it tracking back or making forward runs, is very commendable). Plus his passing/vision/shooting isn't bad either
  6. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    I'm almost certain Swansea didn't bid that much. The quoted £8m was from a month ago when we were linked with him...
  7. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    Interesting although I guess that is somewhat of an indication that Hoffenheim do want a high fee for him (can't see Swansea breaking the bank for him nor can I see us doing the same). Depends how big this bid is...... i doubt Swansea will go very high due to their finances. Infact id be suprised if they went higher than 5m. Well, a £8 million bid has been quoted in the press which is a fee I can't see us paying. £5 millions tops for me if we do try and sign him.
  8. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    Interesting although I guess that is somewhat of an indication that Hoffenheim do want a high fee for him (can't see Swansea breaking the bank for him nor can I see us doing the same).
  9. Sifu

    NUFC Kits

    Never had a name or number of any player on the back of any of my strips. I intend to keep it that way tbh.
  10. That would be brilliant to see. Anything to troll the City fans, haha.
  11. Sifu

    Players in public

    Was he at his favourite place?
  12. Steve Claridge's reaction man, he sounds so scared :lol: Collymore's reaction was quite brilliant too OH MY GOODNESS!
  13. Sifu

    James Perch

    He has made such a remarkable improvement this year, excellent progression. I take back all the bad things I've said about him (reservations about him playing CB/in defence and all that), it's clear now that Perchy is a vital member of this squad. He's proven me (and a lot of others) wrong and all you can say is fair play to him. He can do a job almost anywhere on the pitch and he hasn't let us down this season. He's getting close to cult hero status.
  14. Great shift tonight. He will score another goal before the season's over, I'm confident about that but I did say he would get to 19 this season, don't think that'll happen now. If he scores (the winner) on Sunday, the atmosphere will be epic.
  15. We definitely have a future star on our hands. He is improving by the week (especially his defensive positioning) and I look forward to continue seeing him develop. Attacking-wise, I'd say he has clearly demonstrated that he has more attacking ability than Enrique. Would love to see Davide score a goal after cutting inside from LB.
  16. The Ivanovic-Ba incident made me realise that any sympathy I had for Ivanovic for missing out on/being suspended for the CL final was unwarranted. f*** him.
  17. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Another thing I like about Pardew is his celebrations. So much passion
  18. Couldn't believe my eyes when he tried to take the Chelsea player on. Did well but was ultimately unlucky in the end. The back 4 were brilliant tonight, everyone were proper rocks.
  19. What a fantastic result and what a performance to go with it. We were definitely the better team, played some good stuff and certainly kept the ball decent enough. Sure, Chelsea had a few good chances but really thought we were defensively solid tonight (certainly got the Wigan game out of our system). Our midfield were great too, I felt we were quite dominant in the centre of the park. Demba put in a great shift tonight and was unlucky not to get a couple of goals and Papiss, wow, wow, wow! One fantastic goal and one fucking fantastic goal, such brilliance. Again, massive credit to Pardew, his staff and the players. A solid, battling and ultimately excellent performance tonight. The Friendship Inn in Manchester was absolutely buzzing (quite a lot of NUFC fans in there) when full time (or rather Cissé's second goal) came. Wish I could have stayed a bit longer but alas got work in the morning.
  20. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    We should just have some fun basically. Oh and Alan, such a lovely man.
  21. Tap in tbh. Shins actually With regards to the thread, some truly wonderful goals this year. We have been spoilt really.
  22. Mark Halsey was also the referee who missed the elbow on Shearer (despite the incident being right in front of him, much like tonight!) all those years ago. So, lightning can strike twice eh?
  23. Very much looking forward to this. Might troll the City fans in one of the pubs (if, after 24 hours, I don't post anything, avenge me).
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