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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    Dan Gosling

    Abeid's time will come. I'm sure he'll get some game time in the cup competitions and Europe next season. I do want to see what Gosling has to offer when he's in tip-top shape (that is, when he has that match sharpness feeling) though.
  2. Ah, Liverpool Their PL implosion continues! Really hope Dalglish keeps the job for next season Well done Roy, there's nothing better than "proving your critics wrong" than winning at your old club's ground.
  3. http://kassiesa.home.xs4all.nl/bert/uefa/data/method3/tcoef2004.html 3rd We were definitely top at one point that year.
  4. At one point, aye! Think it was during the 2003/04 season.
  5. If WBA can hold on and get the win, then the RAWK meltdown will be epic.
  6. You see, it's things such as this that makes him lovable and a brilliant personality to have around
  7. He's as professional as it gets really. He plays wherever he's asked to and more often than not, does well in whatever role he's in. Never complains as well. Think we've found his best position in CM/DM and I would be happy if our first choice midfield three next season consisted of himself, Tiote and Cabaye. One thing I do particularly like about Jonas is his ability to win free kicks (à la Shearer imo), it's a massive benefit to the team as it ultimately relieves pressure. Seems to be the right personality to have around the club, you can't help but love him. His smile
  8. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Think Spark is taking the p*ss, lads
  9. If Dalglish is still in charge for next season, then I can see Liverpool's indifferent form from this season continuing on to the next. Also, like you've pretty much said, can't really see the owners providing the club with a substantial transfer kitty (especially not after the amount that's been spent so far!). Arsenal/Chelsea could improve, aye... Regarding us, for us to sustain a challenge for the top 6/7, what's needed are defensive reinforcements and for our big guns to stay on board (the likes of Tiote, Ba). Don't think we'll be in a position to challenge for the CL again and I don't mind that really. As long as we're still amongst the top 6/7 come next season, then I'll be happy.
  10. Sifu

    Harry Redknapp

    Poetic justice, somewhat. It's nice to see him feeling the pressure/fucking it up, what with all the wheeling dealing, talking about other clubs' players and his general dodgyness. What's happening atm couldn't have happened to a more fitting man.
  11. :indi: Phenomenal season. Whatever happens now (or indeed in the next month or so), no-one can deny that this season has been a brilliant one. European football guaranteed man! Massive credit to Pardew, Carver, Stone, Woody, all the backroom staff and of course, the players.
  12. Baines for £5 million? Now that's a decent price. I say let's we start a bidding war with Man U
  13. Only for our players to be all If anything Pardew needs to be using it to motivate the players, "Work hard or i'll send you to Liverpool, look at Jose and Andy! Is that what you want? Cos that's what'll happen." http://pull.imgfave.netdna-cdn.com/image_cache/1290582270220576.jpeg NO, don't send me to Liverpool, not Liverpool. AHHHHH!
  14. Sifu


    O'Neill walking would be quite funny The way I see it now, he's certainly not going to last more than a full season. The mackem culture is going to break him (well actually, to some extent, he's already been broken).
  15. Sifu

    U23s & Academy

    Pretty confident he'll be offered a new one. For one thing, Pardew seems to really rate him. Think it's the case of waiting until the summer before we do anything.
  16. Indeed Probably just the pessimist in me out in force again.
  17. I'd actually be happy with a draw from this game. Wigan's recent upturn in form (today aside) means that we're in for quite a hard game imo.
  18. Hope he takes them all the way (and hopefully at West Ham's expense!). Would love to see Chrissy back at St. James' Park next season.
  19. I won't lie, with Spurs losing against QPR, I'm starting to believe now. Promised myself not to get carried away but fuck it, the excitement is too much atm! This could actually happen...oh my.
  20. Just seen Pulis' post-match comments Fuck sake, he just can't give the opposition credit, can he? Think I've found a team I want to see relegated next season.
  21. Fantastic. Just brilliant. Get in!!!
  22. Sifu

    Alan Smith

    He scored? The day keeps getting better, haha.
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