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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. IMO it'll be Ferguson pushing for a starting spot, or as you say, the returning injured possibly sitting on the bench. Or, maybe it's just a rehash of the Krul news. French week, what a horrid idea. Our players will probably all knack each others cars in the car park by virtue of being s*** drivers, training will be horrendously slack due to all of the players surrendering the ball and deciding not to tackle each other, and morale will be on the floor as everyone at the club will be unnecessarily rude to each other for seven days. Plus, frogs legs taste like s***. They're nice if you cook them in salt and chilli pepper
  2. From my experience, WBA fans are actually alright. Some good banter between both one another.
  3. Sifu

    LOL at Lolro

    Think that's the most Lawrenson has ever written about us
  4. Supposedly, but its not confirmed unlike Giroud. Oh right. Well, if we do go for him in the end, I'm confident that it will be for a sensible price.
  5. Doesn't M'Biwa have a release clause too? (around £4/5 million iirc).
  6. The whole LeBron James buying Liverpool shares thing was bizarre to begin with. That interview on SSN and now this.
  7. Sifu

    Football pet hates

    Absolutely. The "impartial" commentary on ITV certainly reflects this assumption. For me, it really is a laughable suggestion that everyone wants the likes of Chelsea/Man U/City/Arsenal to win the CL/Europa League. Fuck them.
  8. Sifu

    World XI

  9. Not so sure about that myself. That sponsor patch puts me off. If our home kit does turn out like that (or indeed like the one we saw in those pics from ages ago), then it could be one of those strips that grows on you in time. A little better? http://img850.imageshack.us/img850/5746/homeobafemisunday.png Edit: Oh, the sponsor patch... Yeah, think this one is better
  10. Not so sure about that myself. That sponsor patch puts me off. If our home kit does turn out like that (or indeed like the one we saw in those pics from ages ago), then it could be one of those strips that grows on you in time.
  11. Chelsea's gameplan worked tonight. Fair play to them. Now, let's hope they get dicked at the Nou Camp.
  12. I seem to recall Alves' end product being s**** the last time the two sides met at Stamford Bridge. So yep, it's happening again.
  13. I sense a goal from Iniesta in the 90th minute.
  14. Fucking get up, you fucking cunt.
  15. This game really reminds me of the last time Barcelona played Chelsea at Stamford Bridge. That is, Chelsea having a decent gameplan to curb Barça's attacks with Barcelona becoming ultimately frustrated.
  16. Sifu


    Erm, it's not really a lie. A few mackems did actually play a part in forming Athletic Bilbao. Not according to the club they didn't... "One reason for being contacted was that an official approach from Sunderland AFC had left the Bilbao Club's Directors non plussed as to their links with our famous red and white stripes. In short they'd never heard of us!" http://www.rokerpark.com/navbar/bilbao.html Bilbao adopting the red and white stripes had nothing to do with the mackems, aye but a few mackems did play a part in introducing football to Bilbao (from what I've read anyway). Their official website doesn't mention it http://www.athletic-club.net/web/main.asp?a=2&b=3&c=0&d=0&idi=2 Their wiki pages don't either http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Athletic_Bilbao http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Historia_del_Athletic_Club Sounds to me like some retro-fit history re-write based on little more than the shirt patterns. I can believe south-coast british emigrants ending up in Northern Spain in the 19th century. But from the far NE? Nah, don't see it. Besides they would have been loving life on wearside, enjoying their most successful period in the modern game. Hmmm, did a bit more googling and yeah, it actually looks like this is the case. My bad.
  17. FFS. You all need your heads checked. Seems as if we're in a parallel universe.
  18. Sifu


    Erm, it's not really a lie. A few mackems did actually play a part in forming Athletic Bilbao. Not according to the club they didn't... "One reason for being contacted was that an official approach from Sunderland AFC had left the Bilbao Club's Directors non plussed as to their links with our famous red and white stripes. In short they'd never heard of us!" http://www.rokerpark.com/navbar/bilbao.html Bilbao adopting the red and white stripes had nothing to do with the mackems, aye but a few mackems did play a part in introducing football to Bilbao (from what I've read anyway).
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