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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu


    I rated Emre when he was here. Had decent body strength, a canny left foot and did have a certain determination about him. His injury record was atrocious though (which has been apparent at all the clubs he's been at really) which definitely affected his consistency. On another note, I really did think that the Emre-Parker partnership was decent btw (initially anyway, the potential was there). Seems to be a c*** though with this latest bit of news.
  2. Maybe Nobby's called him up out of sympathy?
  3. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Why on earth would i want to say that , if it's not true , i'm french , i practicly don't speak english and even that you think I'm finding my way to spread total nonsense bullshits all over the club that I love , those rumors are in fact not rumors but true info ! They're clearly not true, mec.
  4. Canny. Though I really don't understand why Carroll's going over, quite the mystery...
  5. I nearly won £90 that day. Put a fiver on an Owen first goalscorer/NUFC to win 3-0 double. Wasn't to be. Cracking day though.
  6. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    f***ing hell The world is ending.
  7. You never know what you're getting when you log on to this place. Sometimes you see some NUFC news you wouldn't see elsewhere, most the time there are a few daft memes floating about, today I'm getting told there's a 7/10 chance I'm a rapist. Sounds like something Delima would also say.
  8. Writes for The People. and he's still f***ing awful. Are there any decent columnist's in Football? http://www.people.co.uk/sport/football/news/2012/04/15/newcastle-hotshot-papiss-cisse-eyed-as-carlos-tevez-replacement-at-manchester-city-102039-23825787/ Yep, anything he writes should (rightly) be disregarded.
  9. Don't think this season has been mediocre as such - it's certainly been entertaining and it has been more competitive this year. That is, the smaller teams aren't afraid to have a go at the likes of Man U/City/Chelsea/Arsenal etc and it has been refreshing to see tbh (Blackburn winning at Old Trafford or Swansea winning against City/Arsenal are just a few examples of this). I've enjoyed this season, it's been fun laughing at the big teams failing (in Europe or in the league). However, you could argue that the bigger teams have indeed been poor this year, ie. there has been a clear decline in quality. If Man U do indeed win the PL, then I can see their winning side being cited as their weakest one in recent years (which would be a fair assessment tbh). The big teams, whilst still better than the majority of the teams in the league, aren't the forces they once were really (Chelsea's ageing squad, Arsenal have lost their best players and Liverpool's squad being full of overrated/overpriced players). You could argue though that Arsene will get it right next season, especially with Wilshere back but imo, it's going to be a long process before Chelsea and indeed Liverpool get back to the level they were capable of a few years ago).
  10. Sifu


    Scored a fantastic goal in that game too.
  11. Sifu

    Players in public

    Wonder if Pards knows he's there everyday. Maybe that's where he gets his special powers from...
  12. Andre Marriner is the ref for this one and he is one of the worst refs out there imo.
  13. Sifu

    Football pet hates

    If Beckham is indeed involved with/selected for the Olympic football team, then it's probably a way of "saying thank you" to him for his ambassadorial work during the campaign process. A PR thing if you will. (Personally, I wouldn't mind if he is picked for team GB).
  14. If we do bring in Debuchy, then I assume it would be a sign that we see Santon as our long term LB. Wouldn't mind that like but the thing is, I really want to see Davide having a runout at RB.
  15. To me, Kalou has always struck me as, at best, a distinctly average player. Would be a very underwhelming signing. No thanks.
  16. Yeah, this would be an even bigger shock. Really hope we see Ba on Saturday, I really think that this 2 week break will have done him some good, mentally and physically. One goal is all he needs to get his confidence up and running again... Plus, I can see Ba being up for destroying Stoke again and maybe that could be his extra bit of motivation.
  17. Sifu

    Football pet hates

    Absolutely. The "impartial" commentary on ITV certainly reflects this assumption. For me, it really is a laughable suggestion that everyone wants the likes of Chelsea/Man U/City/Arsenal to win the CL/Europa League. f*** them. Do they claim to be impartial? I'd always expect them to favour the side from this country. Probably not tbh/tbf but it's still annoying. Mind you though, in terms of impartiality, the difference between Five's commentary (especially in that Bilbao-Man U game) and ITV's is quite evident.
  18. Sifu


    Someone should publish a book of Mackemisms. Would make for some funny reading.
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