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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Good to see Sylvain back amongst it. Would be nice for him to get a few cameo appearances in our run-in but I think the best approach is for him to just participate in training sessions and regain some fitness. That way, he'll be more than ready for pre-season. Though, if the physios think he's ready to play, then that's obviously fine by me.
  2. Sifu

    Players in public

    2p machines? Yeah, used to play constantly in the Metroland arcades Same, I loved them
  3. Xisco? Doing a job for us? Okay tbf, he probably does deserve a proper chance. After all, we do need a bigger squad for next season so to have him around could potentially be a nice option to have. Ultimately though, it's down to Pardew and the management whether or not Xisco should be part of the squad or not (although I guess the fact that he's been sent out on loan for two seasons in a row should be some sort of indication of where his placing is at the club).
  4. Mole_Toonfan, that's a good post there and it pretty much sums up my feelings about the combinations one should have at CB. A brawn and brain partnership if you will (the aggressive, beast-like CB in tandem with the intelligent, highly technical CB). This is essentially why the Saylor-Colo partnership was an effective one, you had Colo's intelligence and fantastic reading of the game and then this was complemented by Saylor's aggression/determination. This type of combination is also why people (myself included) wanted Samba here. Another example is that of the Rio-Campbell CB partnership in the 2002 World Cup. They complemented each other so well, Sol was the muscle and Rio was the tidy-playing CB (back when he was a formidable defender, arguably at his peak).
  5. Pace from the bench, should work to our favour. A cameo goal à la Blackburn will do.
  6. None of those were the highlight of that day, the deranged mackem with the corner flags was one of the best sights ever in football Wasn't that the mackem groundsman who, when having to be escorted off the pitch, shook Roeder's hand? No the handshaker was the pitch invader who hurled his Season Ticket sleeve to the deck beside the home dugout. The groundsman took hillarious exception to being serenaded by the away fans by flipping out and had to be dragged away leaving a trail of corner flags Ah yeah, it's coming back to me now. Amusing times
  7. In actual fact, quite a few young'uns play for the first team. Wouldn't be surprised if the average age is somewhere between 18-22.
  8. None of those were the highlight of that day, the deranged mackem with the corner flags was one of the best sights ever in football Wasn't that the mackem groundsman who, when having to be escorted off the pitch, shook Roeder's hand?
  9. And on that note, Viduka's goal against Middlesbrough.......brilliant stuff.
  10. Certainly going to keep the faith. I'd feel bad for brummie though. If only more Villa fans were like him.....
  11. This* is totally in our hands btw *Disclaimer: This meaning 5th place.
  12. They're in danger of being sucked into the relegation dogfight though. They need a win and soon.
  13. Sifu


    To me, he just looks like an expensive version of Obertan. All pace but no end product (or rather a lack of football brain). Could still improve but as it stands, he hasn't done enough to justify his price tag.
  14. True, but I think his sulky rep would have damaged the morale we have at the moment Hmmm, yeah good point, especially considering he didn't leave us on the best of terms three years ago.
  15. Tbf to N'Zogbia, his manager is Alex McLeish. This pretty much explains Zoggy's shite form this season.
  16. Sifu

    Shola Ameobi

    Amazing photoshops Kudos.
  17. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    If Ben Arfa does make the Euros, I'm sure he'll big us up a bit to the other players in the French squad
  18. Even more baffling is that it was 2-0 after 8 minutes Wow. Fair play to Wigan if they hold on for the win. (Although I am now becoming slightly nervous about our trip to the DW in 2 weeks time )
  19. I've only just seen the Arsenal-Wigan score, wtf?
  20. Sifu


    "Friend request accepted"
  21. Forgot about him tbh! Yeah, wouldn't mind him at all. Squad depth ftw.
  22. What a joke of a shortlist. Am I surprised though? Not really. Footballers, in general, are idiots. Danny Welbeck man! Laughable nomination, what has he actually done this season?
  23. Sifu

    Piermario Morosini

    That is a wonderful move by Di Natale. Massive respect
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