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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    At a guess, because he's underperforming.
  2. Hahahahaha. Have that!
  3. Spurs' slump is happening at the wrong time for them like.
  4. Yep, City are really bottling it. Tevez to save the day?
  5. You just know that he's going to come on and score the winner.....
  6. Sifu


    Yep, he'd be crazy to do it!
  7. Sifu


    One thing I remember brummie saying is that O'Neill is pretty much an old-fashioned manager who hasn't really adapted to modern football. That is, O'Neill apparently sticks to old routines and doesn't really incorporate the more modern methods/tactics into training. This could go against the mackems in the long term like (if he stays there for the long haul [5+ years], that is).
  8. Stoke. On a wet Thursday night. Do it. Seriously though, imo the one thing you can't deny is that, at this current point in time, Messi is the best player in the world. Sure, you have your CR7s and Xavis/Iniestas but Messi most definitely stands out as the best. Everything about his play is just world class and is pretty much unrivaled at the moment. People can debate all they want on where he ranks amongst the past greats - different opinions will bound to come about. 24 years old, 234 goals. What an achievement.
  9. Sifu


    Ha! The honeymoon period is officially over. On another note, just seen Ji's miss from last night's game ;D
  10. About Ranger's ability, he's certainly athletic and does have a physical presence about him. We saw on various occasions last season that such attributes can be useful (Ranger's introductions off the bench arguably helped to change some games tbf). Having said that, his terrible attitude is completely outweighing any positives he has. He's wasting any talent he has by being an absolute dick and the sad thing is, I doubt he gives a fuck about that. Definitely get rid.
  11. It's probably a link to an article about Santon.
  12. FWIW, I'm still pretty confident that the Cabaye-Tiote partnership will click at some point. It's been mentioned by some before, what needs to be done is to let Tiote do all/the majority of the defending while at the same time, tell Cabaye push up and essentially do all the attacking. In short, Yohan needs to be instructed to be further forward while Cheik needs to be told to sit deeper. It really seems to be the other way round in the games they've played together though. With a proper, uninterrupted pre-season and a simple tweak in instructions, I'm sure Cabaye and Tiote will form a formidable partnership. Here's hoping.
  13. Sifu


    McClean is still a young lad (23 next month) and this is his first season in the PL so he's still learning really. But teams are really starting to figure him out - show him on his right foot and he basically does nowt. Probably still one to watch.....
  14. I hear Ji's just missed an open goal?
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