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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Disallowed goal for Liverpool.
  2. Ah f***'s sake. Liverpool equalise.
  3. I second that. I'm not sure how to compare Zidane and Messi, they are very different type of players. But I prefer watching Zidane play. His moves are like in slow mo and very majestic. To me his ball control was second to none, when he plays, it's almost like there's orchestra music playing in the background Simply put! And aye, you can't really compare Messi and Zidane. Like you've said, they're two completely different types of players. Just thought that Zidane deserved a bit of recognition in this thread.
  4. Reading 2-0 up. As it stands, they're 5 points ahead of West Ham (who have a game in hand).
  5. About Zidane btw, he was, for me, the perfect/classic example of the number 10 and he was definitely one of my favourite players. He was the key component for every team he played for really - certainly unplayable on his day. The way he dictated the play from midfield was absolute world class. His technique, his vision, his shooting, just everything about him oozed quality. He was still doing great things into his 30s too, that's how important he was as a player (especially for France who, to this day, haven't really found a replacement/successor for him yet). Even though his legs were going, he was still able to be the midfield maestro. It was a shame to see him end his career with that headbutt though (especially when he was having a great World Cup in 2006).
  6. A Wigan win today would be epic.
  7. Beejesus f***ing Christ. Just realised he's actually started every single game this season. Including cups ffs. Think he's played every single game under Pardew. 60+ consecutive games.
  8. As far as I'm aware, he didn't actually fail anything. He just couldn't piss into the cup! The lack of news on that front suggests to me that he's not going to be facing any action as such and will be fine.
  9. Joseph Barton ‏ @Joey7Barton All time low.........2 ways out. 1.Work hard 2.Worker harder I gather he's not in the QPR starting line up today then? I'd take it that hes not even on the bench judging by that Hmmm. That's very probable actually.....guess we'll see in an hour or so.
  10. Joseph Barton ‏ @Joey7Barton All time low.........2 ways out. 1.Work hard 2.Worker harder I gather he's not in the QPR starting line up today then?
  11. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    I don't dislike him as such. I actually feel some sort of pity for him tbh - it really looks like he needs/wants to be the centre of attention and of course, with his rants on Twitter, he does get the reaction he wants. It's quite sad. I honestly just ignore most of his tweets anyway. Have to say though, I'm glad we don't have to deal with Barton's Twitter ramblings - it would have been an unwanted distraction.
  12. Two points tbh: - A point for losing to QPR and - Dalglish saying that 4th is still a target. (Nah, a point will suffice, 2 goal cushion so to speak!)
  13. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Actions speak louder than words - I'll believe what he says when he puts it into practice (which I really hope he does).
  14. Would like to see this! Wouldn't mind that either tbh.
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