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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. It's a case of "take it or leave it" for Watford now.
  2. Don't mind that he's gone out on loan again but Sewelly summed it up here: Would have definitely preferred him going to a Championship club for the rest of the season like. Oh well, as long as Tav is played at RB!
  3. If Brighton want Tavernier on loan, I'm more than happy for him to go there. As long as he plays RB though! He can then come back to us in the summer and will hopefully be in a position to compete with Simpson for a first team place.
  4. Oh and Saha possibly going to Spurs is a weird one.
  5. Sifu

    James Perch

    Never thought I'd say this about Perch but we need him. Any offers for him should be immediately rejected.
  6. Dijbril Cisse could turn out to be a decent signing for QPR like. Signing Zamora might be a good move too. They're improvements on Helguson and Bothroyd anyway. Can see QPR staying up now.....
  7. Just put SSN on. Why the fuck is Phil Brown there? Urgh.
  8. The plot thickens! Have we actually confirmed we're appealing it then? Interesting. Though can't see the appeal being successful, Cabaye lashed out at him which is a no no.
  9. Sifu


    It is indeed quite funny. I see that Davies could reject the mackems, I wonder if Heskey's plan B......
  10. So no Ba or Cisse for tomorrow's game? Fuck's sake. I've had enough of Shola playing, Lovenkrands anyone? If we play 4-3-3, I'd actually start Lovenkrands on the left of the front 3, Ben Arfa on the right and Best up top on his own.
  11. We'll get this lad in the end methinks. We've got 7 hours and 43 minutes left to sort something.
  12. I think so, a point for Liverpool seems about right for what's happened football-wise in the last week........
  13. Nice one. Tiote does speak a bit too fast as well so I'm finding it a bit hard to keep up and yeah, the Ivorian slang could be another reason why it's quite difficult to get a precise translation...... (Hope I didn't scare anyone by posting in this thread just now )
  14. Sifu


    Only just seen the news, Wayne Bridge
  15. Oh I see Wayne Bridge has actually signed for the mackems
  16. Just got in from town (nothing to report there ie. no player sightings), could someone sum up what's been happening today so far?
  17. Sooooo, I've been trying to get a proper transcript written for the last hour or so. It's proving to be a bit difficult tbh. When I first watched the video, I wasn't really paying attention as such to every word that was being spoken but now that I'm listening to every single word, I've come across some phrases which I finding hard to understand/translate. Looks like this could take some time.....hopefully I'll have something in the next few days or so.
  18. Aye and I'd be somewhat mystified too....hmmm.
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