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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. It could help Cabaye's case yeah but I think he'll still be banned like (it is deserved tbf). Though I reckon Cabaye might actually get a reduced ban (2 games maybe?) instead of the standard 3 match ban.
  2. Pretty much. SSN actually mentioned this. Could say that UEFA's Financial Fair Play Regulations have definitely been a factor in clubs such as Man U and Man City not really being active in this window.
  3. Yep. Should never of left in the 1st place. Aye, Pienaar going to Spurs was always a weird signing.
  4. More than likely. If Colo signs a new contract, it will be "a major signing."
  5. Sifu

    Ravel Morrison

    Another great financial decision by the powers above at West Ham then.
  6. Sifu

    Tamas Kadar

    If given the chance, he'll essentially be playing for his future too. Hope he takes his opportunity if given one. It's now down to him to show Pardew that he's worth it and can do a job for the first team when called upon.
  7. Lee Ryder, as knowledgeable as ever.
  8. Voted content in the new poll. The main thing was not losing any of our big guns in this window which is what exactly happened - that is a massive positive. Of course, signing Cissé was a big positive too and I can't wait to see him in action. Not signing a backup CB is very annoying though, they've known for weeks (maybe months) that we were short of options there so our failure to sign a CB is frustrating.
  9. Sifu

    Tamas Kadar

    Well he was on the bench for the Brighton game. Could yet see him on the bench again in the coming months? Hope so anyway.
  10. Sifu

    Peter Løvenkrands

    So he's still here then. Start him tomorrow, can't be any worse than Shola.
  11. Has he actually scored any goals for you this season?
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