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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Nope. He was a liability before he picked it up and he was a liability whilst carrying the booking. It's debatable whether it was a yellow card, but it was a needless tackle to make and therefore he put himself in a vulnerable position. And besides, he would have bottled it anyway. It is so glaringly obvious how s*** this guy is yet he still gets a game ahead of Perch, Raylor and Tavernier. How many more games does Pardew want him to cost us before ditching him? Like I've said, thought he put in a few decent balls today in the first half but really his performance was well below-par. His attacking play really lets him down tbh. If he actually bombed down the wing à la Santon, then we would have a great RB on our hands. As it stands, I would put him down as a just about (not by much) above-average RB.
  2. Just seen this. Fucking hell. I'm glad this cunt has been arrested.
  3. EXCLUSIVE (Thank fuck he's back soon btw).
  4. Sifu

    Shola Ameobi

    Pretty much, it's knacked his movement and balance. As a result, he contributes basically nothing these days (unless he comes off the bench and the opposition are playing at "Shola pace").
  5. Will more than likely get a ban tbh. He does need to calm down a bit like though this could have been the case today: Cabaye was getting hacked down quite a bit today like......
  6. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Was poor today considering his talent. He didn't really see much of the ball in both halves. Lacklustre stuff (though that could be down to him being ill earlier in the week).
  7. Sifu

    Leon Best

    Thought he had a decent enough first half. Completely trailed away in the second half though which could be down to where he was playing in the system tbf. Should have scored the chance he had. Unlucky.
  8. Sifu

    James Perch

    Decent today. Credit when it's due
  9. Was better today imo (compared to his usual shite performances anyway).
  10. The lad was at fault for their goal like. Like some people have said, the yellow card really affected him. He essentially bottled it when it came to challenging Buckley. By doing so, it exposed our right hand side which gave Buckley so much space to run into. Thought he put in a few decent balls today in the first half but really his performance was well below-par (he really did completely trail off as soon as he got that undeserved yellow card).
  11. Urgh, what a horrible evening this turned out to be football-wise. Thought we were decent in the first half, definitely controlled the game imo. Though it was clear when half-time came that we lacked a certain urgency upfront. Shola was completely isolated and he also didn't anticipate things quick enough (passes into the box, etc.). Best had a decent first half (should have scored that chance he had) but trailed off in the second half. Ben Arfa also had a poor game considering his obvious talent. For Brighton's goal, I'm going to put that down as a Simpson mistake. He let the Brighton player go past him so easily which meant we were exposed on the right - it gave Buckley so much space to run into and like so many times last season, the goal came from a deflection from one of our players. Argh. (One thing you could say though is that Simpson was afraid of being sent off [he was on a yellow card] so that's why he bottled from making a challenge). Cabaye was lucky not to be sent off (though I guess this isn't the last we heard about it) and it should have been a penalty to us (yes, I realise that Cabaye was the one who took the shot.........). Overall, Brighton weren't that good and that was the most annoying thing imo. Our lack of bite upfront cost us today (and at Fulham last week really). Thank f*** that Ba (and Cissé of course) will be in a position to start for us soon. Their presence should improve us.
  12. Think we'll win 2-1 tomorrow. It's going to be a tough game imo.
  13. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Put it in the [ img ][ /img ] thing for ya. Cheers, if ever there was a photo to sum up the man Indeed
  14. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Put it in the [ img ][ /img ] thing for ya.
  15. Sifu

    Alan Smith

    http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/01/27/article-2092876-0D6BE18200000578-994_468x286.jpg Caption competition time. (The Mail's attempt, "Window of opportunity: Alan Smith looks set to end his spell at Newcastle").
  16. Sifu

    Newcastle Online App?

    Only for the iPhone though.
  17. Doubt it'll be a massive seller like. It is ridiculous that they decided to make a DVD out of it though.
  18. John Carver and Steve Stone were there. cool but why we still scouting at this stage? we already put in bids for him already. we know how good he is. Guess Pardew wanted his two trusted men to have a look at Mariappa and tell him what they really think?
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