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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Not sure what people were watching???... Adam clearly went in recklessly and with intent and ended up doing himself an injury... Ref was right in front of it... Adam is the lucky one from what I've saw of it... Luck YC made nothing of it... Firstly it was Jay Spearing not Charlie Adam, I'm sure Adam would be chuffed you think he looks like gollum! Secondly, Cabaye was extremely lucky not to see red for that. I like his feisty approach but there are ways to go about it. That was just stupidity and will cost him games through suspension if he repeats that tackle again. Cabaye far from covered himself in glory, but I do remember thinking at the time that Spearing had flown in at such pace that he maybe caught Cabaye unaware. Then again it could be my black and white specs kicking in. That was my reaction at the time too. Having watched the incident again though, Cabaye was lucky no action was taken against him at the time (ie. a red card).
  2. Penalty to Stoke. Caldwell sent off.
  3. Lee Ryder scaring people with that headline. (Sells papers I suppose )
  4. A Man U supporter's (who I knew from uni) Facebook status Conveniently forgetting past seasons...........
  5. Sifu

    Danny Guthrie

    I was there last night but I didn't see him. It was well busy like so guess it was easy to miss him.
  6. Agreed, it's all very well that he's getting some first team experience on loan but it would be a mistake to throw him into the deep end straightaway. Tavernier struggled in pre-season imo so he's still some way from the first team really. Lets keep Simmo there then, he dosnt struggle at all! Last night was Simpson's worst performance in a NUFC shirt, no doubt. But I still think Danny isn't that bad. The one thing that does worry me about Simpson though is his lack of progression in terms of his forward play.
  7. I like the banter between these three
  8. Ah Final Score with Garth Crooks, how I've (not) missed you.
  9. I'd go with this too but like you've said, there's nee chance of that happening As it stands though, think this is Pardew's most likely long term plan.....(if everyone is fit): Krul Simpson Saylor Coloccini Santon Jonas Tiote Cabaye Marveaux Ben Arfa Ba
  10. I'd go with this although a Simpson/Raylor combination down the right is a bit scary..... Well, at least they'll be some sort of end product from Raylor I guess and Simpson can concentrate on defending.
  11. http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lr4ujfcelU1qekb84.gif
  12. Where did you hear this? .com I agree with you, what a massive shame. (FWIW, I'm still willing to give Obertan a chance to prove himself at the club but simply put, he shouldn't be starting games anymore. A few sub appearances here and there is what's best for now).
  13. Yep People must remember that he's only 23 which is still young in 'keeper years so in time, I'm sure he'll improve his distribution/kicking.
  14. Agreed, it's all very well that he's getting some first team experience on loan but it would be a mistake to throw him into the deep end straightaway. Tavernier struggled in pre-season imo so he's still some way from the first team really.
  15. Just seen the score, Blackburn's winning? And at Old Trafford? This is rather amusing
  16. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    @Scottwilsonecho Scott Wilson Pardew defended Cabaye's tackle -"he's not a malicious player" and hinted he still did not feel Ben Arfa was ready to start games. #NUFC
  17. Really? Wasn't loud but you could definitely hear it.
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