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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Aye, ludicrous. Just makes the fans look like c***s. Inexplicable why some people have to mention stuff about his family
  2. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Like some people have said, the real issue is that he's not being given a fair chance. When players like Obertan keep starting week in, week out and does essentially fuck all then changes need to be brought about. If Ben Arfa had started, it would have been us being more adventurous. It's been mentioned before, we gave Liverpool too much respect last night.
  3. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Pardew's comments get more bizarre by the day....
  4. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Even when you claim that he did nothing - except his goal - at Goodison ?
  5. Was actually thinking about this before, it's a fair enough point imo. Obertan did fuck all last night so I think Sammy probably thought he (or even someone else) would do a better job than Obertan.
  6. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    Looks like it's back on.....
  7. Just seen said tweets. Hmmm.
  8. Sifu

    Danny Guthrie

    Would love to see this too actually.
  9. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Pardew did manage it once last season, albeit against a crap West Ham side.
  10. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Got it so wrong tonight (not the first time too worryingly enough). - Shouldn't have left Ba upfront on his own. He was completely isolated. - The lack of adventure by playing 4-5-1 with an inexperienced Vuckic was a mistake. - As it stands, persisting with Obertan can only damage both the player's confidence and the team's performance on the pitch. Having said that, I still have faith that he'll turn it around. We're still 7th so that's a plus point but there are evidently worrying signs.
  11. I'm expecting a media witch hunt resulting in a ban for this one to be honest.
  12. He has the same name as one of our old LBs. How hard can it be? Indeed.
  13. He has been poor for a while like. Stoke was his last game in which he had a blinder. Can we put it down to complacency(/lack of competition)? Covering for Raylor defensively? Fatigue? Worrying tbh. Needs a kick up the arse....
  14. Sifu

    Our wingers

    Worrying times tbh. Jonas has been underperforming since the Stoke game and Obertan is well Obertan.
  15. Wooo, a potential new keeper. Should have Elliot as cover for LB then.
  16. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Agreed, if he had started then he would have provided support to Ba (with whom he does have some sort of understanding) and as a result, Ba would not have been isolated as such. Ba really couldn't do anything up top on his own, nee support from Vuckic didn't help either.
  17. Agreed, I can understand starting him against lesser teams like WBA but starting against a team like Liverpool was ill-advised. Looked overwhelmed by the occasion. Still young though and he's definitely one for the future.
  18. Completely isolated tonight. Vuckic didn't really offer him any support and the lack of Ben Arfa (with whom Ba has some sort of understanding with) didn't help Ba either. Did his best to try and force an opening.
  19. Was okay for me but he was at fault (as well as Simpson) for the third goal.
  20. Thought he actually improved towards the end of the game (when Gerrard came on really). Overall though he was shite, Williamson pretty much had him in his pocket for most of the game.
  21. Who would replace him if he was dropped? Lovenkrands? Sammy Ameobi? I miss Marveaux I'd honestly start Raylor actually (even though a Simpson/Raylor combo down the right could easily go badly too........)
  22. Btw, it's probably been discussed earlier but what the fuck were Sky doing showing a zoomed replay of Coloccini's challenge with Bellamy? I've never seen that before on live football ever.
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