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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Here is said tweet from Douglas: Mark Douglas @MsiDouglas Mark Douglas No bid made for Aly Cissokho from #nufc, despite 'French reports'. Defender is in the UK but Toon not in yet. Would cost £10m plus I reckon
  2. http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,91148.575.html
  3. Tiote in front of that and that's arguably one of the leagues best defensive units. With Saylor, Williamson, Simpson and Raylor as backups we would finally have depth. Still seems like wishful thinking mind. Probably wishful thinking yes but we can dream.....
  4. Tbh, whilst I'm very disappointed and frustrated, I'm not surprised that we've called off the striker hunt. As soon as the Maiga deal collapsed, I had a little feeling that we weren't going to pursue anyone else (despite what Douglas/Ryder's tweets said otherwise). Our alleged other targets would cost about £10 million + and we all know very well that such a price is no go with Ashley. Someone said it before, guess we put all our eggs in one basket with Maiga. "We tried."
  5. Brilliant I'm suddenly upbeat about our chances of getting something from this game. Bellamy will be the main worry tbh.
  6. Sifu

    Striker Shortlist...

    Oh well.......don't worry lads we've still got this lad: http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS-RHLdZc5XCiv8VHSNsM2tg_k5vsoy9VYS7Bujvvy3zvOb-NJbi9TL0sqa
  7. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    Congrats Joey. (The name Cassius though, hmmm).
  8. Don't jinx it (Although I may have started such proceedings a few pages back......)
  9. Didn't know he was Boumsong's cousin, strong footballing family Really? Strong footballing tradition indeed
  10. Sifu

    Leon Best

    Like I said in my post on the previous page, there might actually be some substance in this theory that Best will thrive being the "main man". Have to wait and see I guess.
  11. Not getting my hopes up (because of Lyon's asking price) but I would love Cissokho here. £8 million is too steep, Ashley wouldn't even pay that much for a striker (these days anyway) so why would he sanction £8 million for a LB? Guess it's down to Llambias and his excellent negotiation skills to haggle them down to £5/6 million. Oh wait.....
  12. ? Basically we were linked with him a lot in the summer and we were "close" to signing him (personal terms were apparently agreed and all that). In the end, nothing happened which was annoying considering the amount of "news" going on about him being close to signing for us.
  13. Nowt wrong with Martinez really. He's doing his best with what are shit players.
  14. It's nice to see him doing well in the PL.
  15. Sifu

    Players in public

    He really loves going to Fenwicks. 90% of Jonas sightings occur in Fenwicks. Stick close to the sushi counter to catch a glimpse of this rare species in his natural habitat.
  16. Sifu

    Players in public

    He really loves going to Fenwicks.
  17. Sifu

    Leon Best

    Think there's something in this actually. When Carroll left (or when he got injured in January), Best more than stepped up to the plate, scoring a hat trick against West Ham and then going on a canny goalscoring run until he unfortunately got injured. At the start of this season, Ba didn't have the best of starts and consequently Best was still the "main man" and so we relied on him to score the goals which he did. So using this theory, I wonder what will happen when Ba sets off for the ACoN..........will Best suddenly hit top form? (would be very nice if he did like) Hmmm.
  18. Nah, we wore it against QPR (0-0). But I guess you can say that we have an unbeaten record with the black kit
  19. I can see it being mixed really. Though I suspect the majority will be boos
  20. I would agree that those would be the 3 clubs. If West Ham get promoted and he is still not performing for Liverpool, then I can them coming in for him especially as he has the same agent as Allardyce and Nolan. Not sure what kind of funds QPR actually have and if they could afford to buy him, but I could see him on loan there for the rest of the season reuniting him with Barton. Stoke would love him but could they afford him? Can really see him going to West Ham if they get promoted. Firstly, Allardyce's tactics will suit him and secondly he'll be reunited with Nolan again. Watch the goals go in
  21. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Pardew must have been gutted by the rejection.....
  22. Good news. Hope the lad starts (it's going to be Raylor isn't it? )
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