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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Not a problem with that whatsoever for me. Though guess the ill-feeling surrounding Villa atm has somewhat contributed to Bent getting stick for that.
  2. Indeed, Tiote says f*** all about Chelsea in that Daily Mail article Skirge posted.
  3. I need to have a look at it again. From what I saw, he was inches off for me.
  4. Just had a look of our goals from last season. So after Carroll left, the only game when Barton's corners led to goals was the Birmingham game at home (well one of the corners eventually resulted in a penalty).
  5. f***ing infuriating yesterday. Had everyone lined up to attack the back post and he never got past the front post. Free kicks the same. We were sound when Barton took them. What? They were beyond s*** man! Tbf, they were fine in the first half of last season (well until Carroll left really).
  6. Most likely Kean (hopefully anyway, just about had enough of his ramblings in his interviews).
  7. I like the Pepperami costume tbh.
  8. A lot of polls do get hijacked like.
  9. Just seen the offside given against Van Persie. It's a tough call, just off for me.
  10. Why does he need to play on the right? Probably due to Santon being right-footed. I don't mind where he plays really, be it at LB or RB, I'm sure he'll do a good job in both positions.
  11. Sifu

    Striker Shortlist...

    Proper London boy imo, couldn't see him moving elsewhere. Was linked with Spurs last week in the Standard. I think MON will try and get him for the mackems in Jan. He can be his new Heskey. Nah, Carlton Cole
  12. Had a very good pre-season so if he does start on Wednesday, I look forward to it
  13. Good words from Mehdi there Would like to see him against WBA but think we'll see Vuckic at CM. Can't see Pardew starting two DMs at home (if Abeid is considered that as a player that is which seems to be the case).
  14. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I get the impression the lad really just wants to play be it in the number 10 or on the wing (wherever really). I've said this before, the Everton game was an example of his eagerness to play. When it became clear that Marveaux was knacked, Ben Arfa immediately went to warm up - he wanted to come on even though it would have meant him playing on the wing. The fact that Pardew had to "console" him should indicate that Ben Arfa was really disappointed. I guess Pardew's still being stubborn about the whole "Ben Arfa is only a number 10" thing. That's the only explanation I can think of from a footballing sense. We should know more on Tuesday in the Journal (according to Douglas).
  15. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Howay man, "hate" is a pretty strong word.....
  16. I'm 140th in the N-O League, I won't give up yet!
  17. Sifu

    Striker Shortlist...

    Not sure about him now tbh. Would have taken him in the summer but now I'm pretty undecided, seems to me he's just the typical English striker - decent ability; decent movement; scores goals but nothing that sets the world alight.
  18. A run of the games and he'll be properly back to the Cheik we know well and love.
  19. His massive drop in form these last few years is a bit puzzling
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