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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Liverpool are definitely going to appeal like. In doing so, Dalglish will be very vocal in his defence for Suarez. Then if the appeal is rejected, Dalglish will have a lot of explaining to do.........wonder if he's a big enough man to say that he got it wrong.
  2. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    We currently have a manager who is not playing a skilful player because he’s not grafting enough. We also have a manager who has got performances out of players whose ability has been fairly widely questioned. In recent times performances by the likes of Best, Guthrie, Perch, Raylor (and Simpson?) have exceeded the expectations of many - Lovenkrands also? Maybe, until his injury, Saylor had grown a bit this season. Dare I say it but the real class of Coloccini has only come through since AP took over. And then there is Krul, probably it would have happened anyway as he got experience but it's happened under AP. There were many defining aspects of our time under Souness but, for me, his complete inability to manage "ordinary" players was his greatest failing. He did once say after we lost a match words to the effect that it wasn't surprising and you only had to look at the players in our side to see why we lost. I would obviously agree that he mismanaged Bellamy. But tbf I'm not so sure that Robert wasn't losing his mojo when Souness was here, the evidence being that he never did anything much for any club after he left us. I guess what I'm saying is don't write off AP's handling of HBA just yet. Thinking about it, that's a very fair thing to say
  3. The evidence against Terry seems to be quite large from what I've read. If guilty, I expect him to get a longer ban than Suarez actually.
  4. Get in!!! f*** off Suarez, you fucking cunt.
  5. Or how about Ben Arfa vs Jose? Can see Enrique handling anyone we put on the right wing but can really see Ben Arfa giving him problems
  6. I can understand the business model but you have to keep the foundations of a team intact. Losing Tiote, Krul, Demba, Coloccini - the core players if you like (the foundations) would massively set us back. Ashley needs to understand that you have to keep the core if you want to succeed in the long term. Sure, the level of potential profit in the short term is quite attractive but the bigger picture needs to be looked at. Of course, Ashley has broken foundations before so the situation concerning possible outgoing transfers is always precarious.
  7. Sifu

    Our local press

    Oh dear Lee. :lol:
  8. :lol: Sorry oldtype, had to have a little laugh there
  9. Ashley isn't particularly keen on loans though. (I know Ben Arfa was signed on loan initially but he was an exceptional talent!). Pretty much safe to say this will never materialise, be it a loan or permanent transfer. Have to pursue other targets now.
  10. Sifu

    Who could go...

    Who will go you ask? No-one (in January anyway).
  11. Liking the sound of this view. It actually puts me at ease now. Really? In the summer everyone on here were saying how there were no excuses and the investment of the Carroll money directly into the first team would prove how committed the club was to pushing for more than just survival. As it happens we're doing really well anyway, but it may be that Coloccini wants to know that the money we still have available will be spent to ensure we push on from this position, like many of us do. I'm unconvinced anything will change this January. Well your post actually put me at ease in that it was an alternative to Colo leaving/being sold in January. Just to clarify my actual view: Of course, the Carroll money has not been fully reinvested in the team and yes that is a possible indication of a lack of ambition. As you've implied, further signs of a lack of ambition (such as sales of key players [which is something which I'm still sure won't happen in January]; no new signings as such) could p*ss off Colo who would then probably decide that his future doesn't lie here. If the latter part of my last sentence actually happens, I'm hoping Pardew will play a key role in encouraging Colo to stay. Hopefully Pardew will sell his vision of the next 4 years or so and if it's positive enough, it could be enough to persuade Colo to commit his future. As it stands though, I pretty sure we won't sell anyone in January - this could prove to be a massive indicator of "ambition" which could ultimately result in Colo committing.
  12. Liking the sound of this view. It actually puts me at ease now.
  13. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    I hope so. (Ben Arfa was properly back and ready to play in September when he came on against Blackburn/made his comeback at Forest, wasn't really match fit until October/November).
  14. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Yeah, fair enough comments from Pardew tbh. Ben Arfa still should have come on though. I seem to remember Pardew saying a couple of months ago that Sammy was "defensively naive". This still seems to be case with Sammy so aye, pretty much agree with the latter part of your post, Ben Arfa would have been no different to Sammy (defensively anyway).
  15. What's the transfer window got to do with it? Pardew should have said "we hope he signs by the end of next month". Pardew has come out with weird stuff before, I'm hoping this is just one of those kind of comments.
  16. I'm still confident he won't leave in January.
  17. Sifu

    LOL at Lolro

    Well it's his own fault.
  18. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Indeed, your team isn't winning (while he's on the bench) and moreover the players on the pitch (aside defenders and Krul) don't really play very well. I really wonder what Obertan and Jonas have shown (which was that good) recently to deserve a start in every game... Whilst Jonas has admittedly been off form recently, he's still quite a key player for us. We don't really have anyone else who could play on the left wing at the moment either (we have Sammy Ameobi and of course Ben Arfa can play there too but Pardew seems really reluctant to play him there). Before your edit, I was going to say that Ben arfa could easily play on the left wing... He's played there the majority of his career. The point of your coach here is very strange. I'm practically sure Ben arfa would like to play in this position (and everywhere) at least if it meant to not be on the bench... Trust me, HBA has been too much on the bench during his career and out of football to like to be there again. Pardew seems quite narow-minded tbh. Bringing Sammy Ameobi when you need to win the game is rather strange, but I know he should have his reasons... But the most annoying thing is all the stories he made and told to the fans and journalists just before Ben arfa came back after his injury : telling he was very good, special, blah, blah, blah... Someone is just lying in this story. It is a weird situation
  19. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    That's really embarrassing. The headline is absolutely un-necessary.
  20. I don't think Obertan is that bad either. I'm definitely giving him a full season to prove himself. Though he really does need a kick up the backside imo.
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