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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Indeed, your team isn't winning (while he's on the bench) and moreover the players on the pitch (aside defenders and Krul) don't really play very well. I really wonder what Obertan and Jonas have shown (which was that good) recently to deserve a start in every game... Whilst Jonas has admittedly been off form recently, he's still quite a key player for us. We don't really have anyone else who could play on the left wing at the moment either (we have Sammy Ameobi and of course Ben Arfa can play there too but Pardew seems really reluctant to play him there).
  2. Some stats...in french http://www.lequipe.fr/Football/FootballFicheJoueur20478.html He's a 9 since the start of his carreer, but when Blanc was Bordeaux manager, he played as an outwide midfielder. Tigana benched him a lot last season The current manager, Gillot, gave him his previous post. Completely different type of striker (comparing to Ba or Maïga) : smaller, he's very fast and sharp with a decent technique. He's also mentally vulnerable, needs a lot of confidence from his manager etc. A decent ligue 1 player, not more... Sounds a bit like Obertan From what I've seen him, he really is
  3. Sifu

    Leon Best

    Best's contribution in terms of his hold up play, strength and sheer determination (always giving his all) has proved to be very important for us in the past, most notably our unbeaten run/start this season. Best has been able to bring others into play via his hold up play and flicking on headers and he has proven to be decent partner for Ba really. Whether he's a long term solution remains to be seen tbh. If we want to "go places", guess Best isn't one player we should rely on too heavily. I wouldn't by any means let him go to another club - he's great for the squad and seems to be a good lad. As it stands though, I would continue to start Best upfront alongside Ba (with Ben Arfa preferably on the wing).
  4. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Hope this happens. That would be a brilliant idea actually
  5. We're linked with everyone from France Personally think Gouffran is rubbish though.
  6. They'd be f***ed without NUFC tbh. Pretty much. From my understanding, newspaper sales are probably declining really (most likely due to the free availability of the Journal/Chronicle/Sunday Sun online). So NCJ need all the stories they can get from the club so that they can still advertise "exclusives" for the afternoon sale of the Chronicle. I imagine quite a lot of people, after seeing these adverts, buy the Chronicle from the stands outside Eldon Square/Monument etc after finishing work. They simply can't afford being banned from St. James' Park. sure publishing controversial views against the club will always risk the job or future access afforded to the publisher and the writer. but that doesn't give the articles or stories being published anymore credit or truth does it? Guess that really depends on what the article is about. If something is published and the club takes measures to ban the offending publisher and writer, then there may be some substance to it
  7. I'm more than confident that we'll see Santon starting at LB. Raylor is rumoured to be back for the WBA game but like I've said before, surely Pardew has seen the light now - Santon > Raylor.
  8. They'd be f***ed without NUFC tbh. Pretty much. From my understanding, newspaper sales are probably declining really (most likely due to the free availability of the Journal/Chronicle/Sunday Sun online). So NCJ need all the stories they can get from the club so that they can still advertise "exclusives" for the afternoon sale of the Chronicle. I imagine quite a lot of people, after seeing these adverts, buy the Chronicle from the stands outside Eldon Square/Monument etc after finishing work. They simply can't afford being banned from St. James' Park.
  9. That would be brilliant actually. A sort of diamond formation but I can see Pardew opting for Vuckic at CM alongside Tiote tbh.
  10. Sifu

    Leon Best

    Definitely. He did alright on Saturday, guess he was just short of match practice really but his lack of goals must be a bit concerning. If he starts on Wednesday, then I reckon he'll score. He's due a hat trick
  11. From that photo, aye he is on. What I've highlighted in bold is the reasoning why I thought he was offside initially.
  12. If Colo had scored that........
  13. 55 points, moved up to 133rd place. My comeback is on
  14. Sums it up. A ruptured testicle man
  15. He beats the full back quite well and does well to get a few yards, but he hesitates when he wants to put a cross, as if he's trying too hard to look up and pick someone out. Most of the time, you can just launch in it into 'the danger area' between defender and keeper and Ba or Best will have at least a chance of getting to it. Agreed, this is what's frustrating about him. He really hesitates 9 times out of 10 and as a result, when he does deliver a ball into the box, it ends up being a poor ball. Like you've implied, he's more likely to succeed if he delivers the ball into the box first time.
  16. I've thought this, there seems to be about 4 obvious variants, obviously there will be a lot more, but the ones I've picked out so far are: Front post, lofted to the back post, drilled to the edge of the box like we did last season with Colo (yet to see it work this season) and just the old fashioned whipped in corner into the danger area, that normally ends up being a front post corner though, rarely beats the first man Would love to see us pull that one off one day. When we attempted it last season, it was so great! (Didn't we have an appreciation thread for it?).
  17. You definitely should have made a joke about wizardry
  18. That is a f***ing ridiculous name. That is a brilliant name
  19. I know the lad who designed the graphic so could ask him to make one for the 5-1....... In the meantime, here's our 5-0 win against Man U: http://ongoalsscored.wordpress.com/2011/10/20/nufc-5-0-mufc-five-goals-fifteen-years-two-dimensions/
  20. http://cache0.bigcartel.com/product_images/49954849/product-large-image.png http://ongoalsscored.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/man-city-6.png?w=640 Nice. http://www.umbroteeshop.com/product/six-one
  21. http://ongoalsscored.files.wordpress.com/2011/12/bruce-final-s.jpg?w=484&h=420
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