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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu


    Ah right! Completely misread FenhamMag's post.
  2. http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,91184.0.html
  3. Interesting. Though I do have something to say about that, start Ben Arfa on the wing man. Can't be reiterated enough! Dropping Obertan could be the kick up the arse he needs. By doing so, it'll be Pardew saying that "your place isn't guaranteed" - could very well ignite Obertan into bucking up his ideas in the end.
  4. I'll give you one thing CT, Fergie is decent enough backup for the left side be it on the wing or full back.
  5. I'm going to take a stab at Ole Soderberg??
  6. Hmmm, that is a bit picky from Simpson like. The main thing in the end is being paid which will happen so can't see what the problem is Surely that depends on exactly what the issue is, which we don't know. Indeed.
  7. I would like him to go out on loan like. Some first team experience will do him a lot of good. Though as it stands, we are short in defence so we might have to call upon his services at some point I guess.
  8. Hmmm, that is a bit picky from Simpson like. The main thing in the end is being paid which will happen so can't see what the problem is
  9. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    I think Torres might have to go abroad to rediscover his form. Would be a massive change of scenery and that's what he needs tbh. I think that he's losing his desire for PL football.
  10. Maybe a Carroll-Torres swap deal is on the cards?
  11. Sifu

    James Tomkins

    From the Gazette.
  12. Though the Swansea game may be too soon imo. Like I've said before, the WBA game is more realistic like.
  13. I agree with Stu about Marveaux. I'm hopeful that Marveaux's latest injury will be the last of his injury problems. He has showed some glimpses of good football and he does have 5 years or so left. Won't write him off yet.
  14. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    Yeah, they would be very fortunate to get that much. We have seen glimpses of Torres' quality at Chelsea. Of course, they're very rare glimpses but think he just needs to go to another club (possibly abroad) to try and revive his career. The price tag could have been a burden on him really.
  15. Sifu


    Note to forum: I have read this post three times. Still coming up as "new" for me.
  16. Very plausible actually...... Though don't think Simpson will want to play in the Championship again.
  17. Sifu

    James Tomkins

    Perch? Obertan? Gosling? Campbell/Ireland/Kuqi? Marveaux? (too soon?) Much too soon like.
  18. Sifu

    James Tomkins

    Can't say I paid much attention to his performances last season (well I paid attention to West Ham's shitness) or this season but the general consensus seems to be he's s*** so I'll just go along with that.....
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