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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu


    Lee Cunt-ermole is now on Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/cattermole_lee
  2. More than likely. It has been reported that Simpson isn't receiving a wage which reflects his status in the team (starter/first choice RB) so guess he's still persisting. I'd hope a compromise can be sorted out though.
  3. Oh I agree with that. Balotelli has certainly added an extra dimension to the PL via his antics on and off the pitch.
  4. While he has undoubted talent, I would hate him if he was our player - there would be too much unwanted attention. Much prefer his antics while he's at another club.
  5. There's no cure to it and it can kill. But, if managed well, he could lead a normal life for many years. Every case is different really. It is possible that he may have to have part/all of his bowel removed. That's pretty bad
  6. Sifu

    Tamas Kadar

    The only thing we know is that he wasn't included in the matchday 18 when we had our three first choice central defenders and he was the only player with competitive experience at CB left on the books. We also know that he's not been involved with the first team squad for most of the season. He was only given a squad number recently (when Colo may not have made it at OT). Whatever the reason is, he needs to sort it out and get himself involved - this is exactly the opportunity he should be seizing to show how good he is/isn't. If he's not fit, he needs to get there. If he's not got the right attitude, he needs to sharpen up. If he's not been following directions from the coaching staff, he needs to listen and take heed. Kadar is the only one who can do this - I struggle to believe that we'd allow a promising youngster to waste away if he'd been doing the right things and performing well in training. If he's not up to the mark, why should we extend his contract? Agreed. It is entirely down to Kadar to step it up and show what he can do and ultimately prove to Pardew why he should be in the first team squad. If he does leave at the end of the season, it would be an absolute shame considering his early promise.
  7. Thanks for the summary M4 (Haven't really bothered to listen to it myself )
  8. Lee Ryder @lee_ryder Lee Ryder #nufc I think the plan was always for Williamson to play first half only, but looked a bit rusty after so long out, not sure if Sat too soon
  9. I would prefer Simpson to stay. I think the lad is a decent enough player and is a competent enough RB for me. He does have about two years left on his current contract so he could yet change his mind. In the future, if we end up moving Santon to RB and sign a new LB, then Simpson would be great back up for RB. But as it stands, if he wants to go then we can't really stop him though really can't see him leaving in January. He is our first choice RB atm and don't think Pardew will let him go.
  10. That's crap news. Best of luck to the lad.
  11. Sifu

    Tamas Kadar

    Yet he hadn't been training with the first team squad for months, he's not likely to be rushed straight into the thick of things - it would do his confidence more harm than good. This isn't football manager, if Kadar's attitude or training hasn't been up to standard, we're not suddenly going to go back on everything just because we've not got a recognised CB. Preferred position or not, without the months of training, Premier League standard of fitness/match practice, lack of experience - Kadar is not going to make a difference on his own. This is the real world, not a computer game. If there's a future for him (and I'd like there to be), he needs to do whatever it is that the club want of him in order to be training with the first team squad. First choice (captain, even) for the reserves and 'banging on the managers door' (TM - L.Best) for a match day 18 place. He was training with the first team for a few weeks now as far as I'm aware and yes he's probably not up to the PL standard fitness-wise due to his injury problems a few months back but I still would have had him on the bench on Saturday. He has played for the Hungary U21s recently so his fitness should be okay. Also if there are problems with his attitude, then maybe the feeling of being involved in the first team might just give him some sort of kick up the backside to try and force his way into the team. Probably wishful thinking mind. We don't know what's gone on behind the scenes regarding his attitude but for me he still remains a good future prospect and one which I hope we'll keep a hold of.
  12. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    The stats of ben arfa is good for mifdfield or winger but he plays not lot of game in season 25 (perhaps the coach don't like a player who say shut up pardew bitch never ben arfa had played season clash with coach every time) 109 games holder 63 x decisive (30 goals and 33 assists ) For 120 min play/ one goal or assist for example nasri 300 min plays for one goal or assist example sanchez 130 min play/for on goal or asssist.Every year ben arfa plays >= 8 goals 8 assist for 25 games The only problem he comes back injury if he not plays he is not recovery Yeah Hughsey. Shut up.
  13. Sifu


    Well Bendtner has always pretty much been a twat off the pitch.... http://i.thisislondon.co.uk/i/pix/2009/05/bendtner-500x700.jpg
  14. With a run games, he'll be fine. He showed some promising signs against Norwich so I'm optimistic that he'll be a fantastic signing in the end. Still young as well so he can get better.
  15. Sifu

    Tamas Kadar

    I'm not entirely optimistic that Kadar will stay beyond his current contract like. The fact that he wasn't even on the bench for the Norwich game is worrying signs for the lad. He must have thought that he was in contention for at least a place on the bench considering he was the only fit CB available. Most of us wanted him to start too though now as it stands, don't think he'll be starting for the first team any time soon. Shame.
  16. Still ongoing as far as I'm aware. Took about 2-3 months for a verdict when Emre got charged by the FA 4 years ago.
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