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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. I wouldn't mind Bassong back tbh. Showed during his time here that he is more than capable of playing well at CB. Decent backup for LB too. Whether or not he wants to come back however is another matter.
  2. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    £8 million for Bassong? No thanks, a cheeky loan deal would do though.
  3. Definitely, now is the time to scout and negotiate!
  4. Sifu

    Ryan Taylor

    I don't mind Simpson, so I don't have any particular qualms about starting him. However, if he doesn't sign a contract soon, he could very well leave in January. If we're in for Pieters or even Clyne, guess I would live with Simpson leaving but as it stands, our strongest lineup for defence is what I posted above.
  5. Sifu

    Ryan Taylor

    We don't have much of a choice for the game against Norwich really. As much as I want Kadar to start at CB, can see Pardew opting with Perch and Simpson at CB. Santon would then presumably play at RB, leaving Raylor still at LB. Until we have everyone in our defence (except for Saylor unfortunately) fit, looks like Raylor will be starting at LB for the foreseeable future. Meh. Eventually at some point of the rest of the season, I'm hoping to see: Simpson Williamson Coloccini Santon
  6. That'll do me. I'd probably worry a bit about Mbiwa though - adaptability and all that. But then again, he could have a decent first season in the PL like Bassong did. Regarding Bassong, guess I would take him back in that he can definitely play an effective role at CB. Whether or not he wants to come back however is another issue.
  7. Sifu

    Steven Taylor

    Only once iirc. Sat on the bench I think but I've forgotten which game though.
  8. Is it me or does he seem really sluggish now? From what I've seen without doubt, needs a huge boost in confidence too. I reckons he needs to go out on loan. Pretty much the only way forward for Carroll. Honestly can't see him doing anything worthy of note at Liverpool. Aye send him to Barnsley with Ranger. Perfect
  9. Is it me or does he seem really sluggish now? From what I've seen without doubt, needs a huge boost in confidence too. I reckons he needs to go out on loan. Pretty much the only way forward for Carroll. Honestly can't see him doing anything worthy of note at Liverpool.
  10. Had a look at the key incidents from the Fulham-Livepool game. Reina I'm pretty undecided by Spearing's red card tbh. He definitely got the ball first but his follow-through/momentum was a bit dangerous.
  11. Ah right, yeah entirely agree with that point.
  12. It really shouldn't be, Taylor's out until next season. We can flog Williamson in the summer or sign one of them on loan or on a short term deal. Personally, I'd keep Williamson. He's shown himself to be a competent enough PL defender. Plus his partnership with Colo last season was solid enough. Great back up really.
  13. Probably is guesswork in the end. Some have said Colo will be out for 2 weeks (at least though ), some have said a month. He's having a scan tomorrow so we'll probably know more by tomorrow afternoon.
  14. Still think Dalglish isn't right the manager for Carroll.
  15. I'd be happy enough with Ridgewell, only as cover though. I'd like to think we would bring someone else in as well to play CB, but one who's properly equipped to play in the PL. Like Yorkie's said, a player who would ideally fill in for Colo if he's injured/suspended. As it stands, Williamson and Colo (in January anyway) will be the first choice pairing. Add this someone else, Ridgewell (and maybe Perch/Kadar) and we'll be fine I reckon.
  16. Sifu


    Would be excellent if Yakubu scored another 4 goals next weekend
  17. If the score stays as it is at FT then a point for Parky surely.
  18. What if there is no alternative? Kadar is fit? He is but he isn't highly rated by Pardew apparently. I'd certainly start Kadar given our current situation.
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