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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Pat Nevin sounds confused on MOTD2.
  2. Sifu


    Always thought he was a bit of prick even when he was at Birmingham. Such a whiny c***. Thought I was the only one who thought so, so left it at that.
  3. Sifu


    Just seen Larsson's dive. Fucking prick, thank fuck justice was done and Hennessy saved the penalty.
  4. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Pardew basically has to rethink his stance about Ben Arfa. You can't just restrict him to just the number 10 role, you can play him on the wing when necessary - after all, his best performance in a NUFC shirt came from playing on the left wing.
  5. I suppose we could have Henderson with the first team. After all, he was on the bench for the Carling Cup game against Forest iirc.
  6. is there any way to tell the difference on an internet forum? Experience I guess
  7. A situation which should never have happened really. Desperate times call for desperate measures
  8. He would be a pen & red card waiting to happen
  9. Sifu

    Steven Taylor

    Been saying all summer we have gone backwards if he's not replaced. People said he never played so not gonna be missed. How we could have done with some experienced cover now.. We do need experienced cover, as long as that experienced cover isn't 20 stone and with the turning circle of the titanic. The infamous photo: http://static.guim.co.uk/sys-images/Sport/Pix/pictures/2010/8/2/1280763929643/Sol-Campbell-006.jpg
  10. Sifu


    What a disrespectful cunt Bendtner is.
  11. I don't want to admit it, but... that'd be one hell of a match up. Crazy money, already decent squad and an openish league + Rafa. Aye, almost the perfect appointment really. Can see them push on and win the league with Rafa at the helm and with the amount of resources he would have available.
  12. Indeed it would be a disaster, Smith would get sent off within the first minute.
  13. Not a bad shout actually. But I reckon he'll end up at Liverpool.
  14. Sifu


    Right now I'd take a centre back like, probably Bramble ironically enough. I'd actually take O'Shea tbh. Defensive cover ftw (Haven't actually seen O'Shea play recently.....how's he doing?)
  15. Sifu


    Right now I'd take a centre back like, probably Bramble ironically enough. I'd actually take O'Shea tbh.
  16. Sifu


    Their game next week against Blackburn is a massive one. Could be season defining. As it stands, not sure what O'Neill can do with the players at his disposal.
  17. Just saw Richardson's goal for the mackems. Hennessy should have done better there. Fair play with the penalty save though.
  18. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Got Dan King to retweet, he writes on official site Nice one Just tweeted this myself.
  19. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    I'm liking this
  20. i fuckin despise that man...never realised how much of a c*** he is till he went to cuntsville Always thought he was a bit of prick even when he was at Birmingham. Such a whiny dick. remember him throwing a hissy fit against us at home last year. Yeah I remember that well.
  21. Sifu


    Mackems make me laugh
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