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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu


    Some other choice quotes: It's not just you that thinks they're delusional. Ha, nice
  2. I, for one, still rate the lad. Though I would like to see Marveaux be given a chance against Wigan tbh. But I wouldn't be too opposed to Obertan starting on Saturday like.
  3. Sifu

    Leon Best

    Definitely one of his best attributes.
  4. What was said? They showed him with his wife and baby (really cute lol) in the airport, when he was joining Newcastle on Wednesday after being with the French squad. Cabaye said he was very “urged” to see his team-mates (friends, he called them). Commentator always saying that his popularity is increasing more and more in France and of course in England. Cabaye was much chuffed with the international break with France. After, they showed his (very lush) house, in which he is keeping some photos of his Lille period and they insisted on the fact he received a lot presents from the NUFC fans who have seemingly adopted him quickly. Then, we saw him back to the training ground, team-mates like Tiote and Obertan asking for how he was with his injury knee. Every body in the club was worrying for him. Was having a lot of fun with Tiote, they seemed really good friends… Cabaye explained that Pardew told him he was the “quarterback” of his team. That he relied much on him. That pleased a lot Cabaye, to have a key role in your team. He really appreciates it. They also show him during the game against Spurs, saying he was quiet in the beginning, frustrating game debut. After, he was great. Finally, Cabaye said that since about 8-9 years now, he exchanges his shirt with Kaboul (Spurs defender and great friend of him), all the time, after every game he plays against him. Cabaye really seemed happy to be in Newcastle, obviously no regrets and even more now, when we see your position in the league table… It’s a good lesson to the French who criticised his choice of joining you. Thanks for that
  5. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    @Joey7Barton Joseph Barton Just off to the house of commons for the debate on Hillsborough. Big thanks to big Shaun from Manchester, for sorting it.....
  6. @lee_ryder Lee Ryder Mr Neil Swarbrick from Preston is the ref of #nufc v errr #wigan (whoever he is)
  7. Sifu


    The penny drops! Great read.
  8. Yeah, like I said in the Obertan thread, it may be time for Gabriel to make way for Marveaux (even though I rate Obertan).
  9. Woooo, break-even! Like others have said though, at least it's some form of communication to the fans
  10. The lack of my star players in the starting line ups for their clubs has been detrimental. Only 24 points this week and I've dropped down to 44th.
  11. Sifu

    James Perch

    Sensible enough decision I suppose.
  12. Sifu


    But Gardner has scored more goals than Cabaye!
  13. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    Agreed, glad we didn't go for him in the summer when we were linked with him.
  14. http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRXFOKcZFZZWmSA-cWLXQriTZbgCxk3KbrzuvV7gS37tF5S-06Q (sorry, couldn't resist )
  15. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    This formation was talked about a lot over the summer. I reckon this formation would work well actually and we did use it to somewhat good effect against the mackems. But when it comes to formations, I am a bit of a traditionalist and I would prefer wingers in a midfield 4. As it stands my preferred formation would be 4-4-1-1.
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