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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    Tamas Kadar

    I've said it before, really hope he steps it up. He would definitely be decent cover for CB.
  2. How long was it he predicted the Arsenal thing? The Rafa thing took 3 years, if the Arsenal one was 3 years ago lump all your money now on anything he predicted 3 years ago http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,42481.0.html
  3. He's pretty good on his day but he's too hit and miss for me and no one seems to know where his best position is. In a nutshell for me.
  4. Even if we lose by 3 goals, we'll still be 4th. Goal difference.
  5. Looked at this thread through tapatalk and I've set it so that I can see the latest post first. So saw your post before I even clicked on this thread so I was fine too
  6. Sifu

    Steven Taylor

    Canny article. Taylor's form has been brilliant so far. Long may it continue.
  7. Sifu

    James Perch

    Tavernier's worse than Perch. Far too inexperienced to be considered for this level. Disagree. Thought Tavernier looked calm and composed in pre season and the very little I've seen of him at Carlisle he's looked really calm and composed on the ball. Complete opposite of Perch. I thought the opposite tbh but I reckon that was down to a lack of experience more than anything.
  8. That's a brilliant goal from Diame.
  9. Seriously? http://www.amazon.co.uk/BLACK-DOGS-SUNDERLAND-F-C-1999-OFFICIAL-VIDEO/dp/B000ZRM740 Wow
  10. Absolutely disgusting if this is true. being investigated by the FA too, and yet motd don't even mention it Mentioning it now.
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