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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Nothing wrong with that, he's one of the few that actually speaks what he's thinking, rather than just going with popular opinion. In the interview I just saw he just said he thinks Arsenal will finish between 6 and 8th because Lee Dixon said so. Just watched said interview, yeah that was silly to say. Still think he's a decent pundit
  2. Sifu


    "My only fan " That's a win for me like.
  3. I actually kinda like Savage the pundit.....
  4. Like I said on transfer deadline day in August, would definitely be a reasonable signing.
  5. Sifu


    He's finally gone crazy
  6. Aye, he did show a few glimpses that he could maybe develop into a decent player.
  7. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Aye, as soon as Capello leaves, the rebuilding process should begin. That is, get rid of the deadweight in the England team atm (Barry, Milner etc.) and start picking the promising youngsters (Cleverley, Welbeck, Sturridge etc.) as well as having some decent experience around (I'd still have Lampard, Terry and Gerrard around tbh). That's my hope anyway.....
  8. I'd keep Nani in personally. I reckon he's worth that 10.2 million.................
  9. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Absolutely not. Yes, that's true but it was when HBA was about 10 years old, he played in my town and there were some little matches the week end in which my okder brother played with him. If some people don't believe it, i'd just say that for every training and matches, Ben arfa came with hid dad. His dad was clutching (maybe he had an accident in the past) and that is why he always came with a little chair, he sat in and watched his son played. All that was told me by my brother. He also told to me that one day, in a match, they were 5-0 down and Ben arfa was late. Then Hba came at half time and won the match by himself by scoring about 8 goals for his team He was above every one in France when he was a kid. You've never loved a player like that in NUFC ?? So he even had a bad attitude at 10 years old? The coach should have left him out of that game. Yeah, he already was a bad boy at that age... he always came late, fought with team-mates, swore at the coach, terrorised other kids,... Ahhh bless him. It was a joke hein... Pretty sure if Colocho saw this, that then, he would have said "i told you this lad was a little and fu***** prick !"... Ha, indeed.
  10. Aye, that would definitely be a great idea. Those lads need first team experience, the reserves can be a good place to get match fitness but nothing beats having competitive games under your belt.
  11. Sifu


    International Development
  12. Sifu

    The England Thread

    I'll be watching (half-heartedly though). A point = job done. I'll be up for the actual tournament when it starts in June mind.
  13. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    He would struggle in the PL imo. His passing/crossing will still be an asset but whether or not he can keep up with the pace of the game is another matter.
  14. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Pretty much. They were still important/indispensable players mind but a successful system was pretty much knacked when we sold Carroll.
  15. I really hope this is true. Would be fwap worthy
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