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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    He's doing a Tevez... :omg:
  2. Did I miss something? Didn't think he was in the ressies squad, or is this a post Strong team out according to journos. http://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/sport/9285817.Ben_Arfa_gets_a_run_out_for_reserve_side/ Ta mate. Good news he is getting some more game time, just not sure how he will react dropping down to that level, can see him being a bit sulky TBH probably be fine though and I'm just being paranoid as per usual. Hat trick please Mr. Ben Arfa Shola expected to play hoping he was still out TBH. Don't see any reason he would sulk, it's just part of his recovery. Just get the impression he might think it's beneath him and he should be back in the first team already. Not sure what I'm basing this on TBH, I sound like Colocho you should probably see someone about that.
  3. This is from when Bordeaux won Ligue 1 in 2008/2009: Basically, they put a big screen in one of the main squares in the city for the final match of the season. The title was all but sealed at this point like. I was there and the atmosphere was electric, over 80,000 fans turned up.
  4. Sifu


    Monkey Heed is out of work... Return of their Messiah then
  5. Sifu

    Leon Best

    I'm sure the Irish posters could shed some light on this, in fact here's a post from jdckelly from about a week ago:
  6. Wouldn't be surprised if that's true. City can actually afford to do so too like.
  7. Will definitely be a tough game. No doubt. Like I've said, I'd be delighted with a draw from this game.
  8. Sifu


    He definitely has that look. Such a punchable face.
  9. Sifu


    Courtesy of the user mufcok:
  10. Sifu


    I don't want your thanks, you makem b******. Words cannot describe the brilliance :lol: Fantastic :lol:
  11. Sifu

    The England Thread

    Aye, this is one of things I don't like about Capello. Can't be arsed to see any PL games in the North East? Fuck off.
  12. Sad thing is they genuinely believe it
  13. Aye, think it's much more likely we'll go back in for someone like Erdinc in January. tbh.
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