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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Sifu

    St James' Park

    That's the only positive I can take from this.....
  2. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    Unless he says something funny on Twitter.....
  3. Sifu


    It's not what the mackems needed before the game today imo. Chelsea may potentially destroy them today like (especially with Bramble at CB).
  4. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Would've definitely taken him here this summer or any other summer. Massively underrated IMO. How old is he these days though? Only 30 been around for so long Really? Thought he was ancient!
  5. Some answers were decent enough but all in all, they were predictable answers.
  6. Sifu

    Hatem Ben Arfa

    Would've definitely taken him here this summer or any other summer. Massively underrated IMO. How old is he these days though?
  7. Like some of you have said, Shearer at his peak was the complete centre forward. He had just about everything you'd want for a striker to have (and more). Rooney is a different sort of player really, he's not the traditional centre forward so to speak but he's still a phenomenal player. His ability atm is unrivaled to others who play in his position. I would definitely take Shearer at his peak over Rooney.
  8. "Well, how does he work the ball in from there? I mean Stanley Matthews at his best couldn't do that."
  9. Pretty much what I was thinking before!
  10. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    Same, I won't be going OTT either wayn on Monday. Will be interesting to hear our lot's general reaction, reckon it could be mixed. He'll most definitely get booed. Football fans are far too fickle on the whole. I don't think he'll get booed at all Same. Get a decent cheer IMO.
  11. Maybe it's a case of easing him into the side (like Ben Arfa last year)? Not that I agree with that, he should definitely start on Monday - we signed him as a left back so it's only logical that he starts.
  12. If he doesn't start on Monday then it's a bad move on Pardew's part, but I reckon he'll definitely start against Villa.
  13. http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQwHv80gZ--AmIqZfK5oEIaK5fQxI7ZiUXQ5r4pihYsYl-s70mjPNfusmbe Nothing new, it's just speculation. Sad stuff. They can jog on, really.
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