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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Indeed it is but does Ashley see it as a good price? Unlikely....
  2. As the week goes on, this is becoming increasingly true.
  3. Sifu

    Fraser Forster

    Guess this pre-season will be the last time we see Forster in a NUFC strip.
  4. £2 million fee for a loan and on top of that, £45k a week. Nee chance that will happen.
  5. ...according to Simon Bird Touché.
  6. Oh f*** off. Plan f***ing B is Wayne Bridge?
  7. Some nice quotes from Bates there
  8. Sifu

    Fraser Forster

    Aye, I think this too.
  9. Still it's encouraging to see Wimbledon off to a good start. It's not great to see Plymouth in the position they're in atm but we'll see what happens....
  10. Cissokho. But honestly don't mind who we get as long as we get any of the three!
  11. I've jumped on the Aguero bandwagon. Him in, Bent out. Other changes: OUT = Hart, Clichy, R Ferdinand; IN = Cech, Micah Richards, Smalling.
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