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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Positive enough update. Please let it be true!
  2. Far from it. Sibierski was poor in the Premiership for us, he only done it against part-time vampires from eastern europe. His performance against Portsmouth was his best game for us in the PL.
  3. @milesstarforth Miles Starforth Simpson's #nufc contract talks date back to early summer. No progress, but understand he's happy at club & hopeful will be resolved in time ^Starforth's tweet from earlier.
  4. Guess it wouldn't be a surprise if that happens
  5. I can see the point in signing him as a "replacement" for Forster and being a backup keeper but if Elliot is that promising, would it make sense for him to sit on the bench for the foreseeable future?
  6. not much of a chance obviously with 100k but he's clearly not as s*** as people are making out and it's a worthy gamble rather than an old clogger. :-) Unless we're going to groom him to be number 1 (which doesn't look likely with Krul here), I don't see the point in signing him.
  7. Went for Barton to score and us to win 1-0. 75-1, £3 stake I really do have a good feeling about tomorrow, we'll nick it....
  8. I don't think :server: would adequately describe what would happen if they were to both score.
  9. Off to William Hill in a bit, hopefully I'll get some good odds on Saylor/Barton scoring the winning goal in a 1-0 win for us.
  10. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    Probably we'll be playing Champions League football in near future for many years while they will fight against relegation? Would take that.
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