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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. I actually wouldn't be surprised if we're still trying to sign him......
  2. Sifu

    Erik Pieters

    Or it could be another Neil Taylor situation. In any case, I'm still confident we'll bring him soon enough....
  3. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    Pardew said he will pick the team today so im guessing the lads know. Barton seemed to be in a fairly chirpy mood after training. Im putting two and two togther and saying he's playing Will give everyone a massive lift if he does.
  4. After some tweaking, I think I now have a final team: (4-3-3) Hart Coloccini Enrique Clichy R Ferdinand Barton N'Zogbia Yaya Toure Bent Rooney © Ba Subs: Fulop, Duff, Whitehead, Hughes
  5. My team (3-5-2): Hart Jagielka Clichy R Ferdinand Bale Yaya Toure Duff Barton N'Zogbia Rooney © Ba Bench: Fulop Beckford Coloccini Hughes
  6. Sifu

    Tamas Kadar

    Really hope not.
  7. Sifu

    Erik Pieters

    Pretty confident he's coming. Should be a done deal certainly after the mackems at the very latest. EDIT: or not after reading the above.
  8. That's that then. It's time to move on now, see ya Jose. ( )
  9. Sifu

    Peter Løvenkrands

    Think people forget this. He's s***, undeniably terrible at this level and essentially leaves us with 10 men when he plays. However, he has contributed towards this club a lot more than many who have came in for bigger fees and earned more money. Would have easily been our top scorer in the promotion season if he'd had a proper pre-season.
  10. Aye, chances to win silverware. I mean who wants that?! Indeed, tis a waste of time tbh.
  11. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    The Mirror article last night said £60k a week......
  12. Only just returned to training today. Not sure if he'll actually be fit enough for Saturday.
  13. Thought Glanford Park was a canny stadium despite its size.
  14. @lee_ryder Lee Ryder Any one remember Geremi's sitter at Glanford Park? His last touch for #nufc before Nolan gestured to bench "get him off" Grrrr.
  15. Might head down for Scunny tbh. Need to have a look at the finances....
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