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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. I was thinking more along the lines of him signing the contract, or handing in a transfer request, you know, the way things should be done. He's stooped to Ashley's levels and people are buying it purely down to their hatred of the board. Where has this reverence of the sanctity of professionalism in football come from? Any, more pertinently, why can Ashley lie and cheat, but Enrique has to suffer in silence before releasing a few discrete words in his memoirs aged 40. If he can change his situation now by going public, why wouldn't he? The whole, "I'll wait until we're safe" thing, even after the "no capital outlay, bring players through the ranks to sell, etc" not ring any bells? He knew when he made that remark what Ashley was like, yet still played us for fools himself. It was the middle of the season, what would you have had him say? Honestly. I've got a completely open mind. Tell me what he should have said. "I'll help the club survive in the Premier League, but ultimately I want to play for Spain and in the Champions League." Would many fans have blamed him (or the club) for this? Me, not at all.
  2. Mainly because he was being silent about his future and all that.
  3. I now have the extreme view that the statement will say that Jose has been transfer listed.............
  4. Not if they've sent him home from the tour. Which they may have when you consider the Dummett call up. That's what I think it's going to say too
  5. :lol: I'd love to see him do that in a PL game.
  6. Maybe he's deleted/hid his account so that the journalists won't be able to get exact quotes for tomorrow's newspapers and then he can claim that he's being misquoted? EDIT: Ignore what I've just said actually.
  7. Yeah that would be well daft, have you seen how much those pricing guns cost? I'm sure we can spare some of the £35million to pay for those.
  8. Guess we'll start the season with Dummett/Tavernier at LB (if Ferguson isn't back by then).
  9. Although like Barton, he's an idiot for making an outburst like this on Twitter.
  10. That's him definitely off then.
  11. Sifu

    Joey Barton

    Joey as a pundit, oh that would be great to see!
  12. Sifu


    Makes sense for both parties really.
  13. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    Almost €10 million for Matuidi, sounds like a bargain.
  14. Sifu

    Mevlüt Erdinç

    Erdinç may want to play in Turkey at some point in his career but I'm hoping that he'll think that it's still early in his career to even consider a move there.........
  15. Sifu

    Mevlüt Erdinç

    We'll see soon enough I reckon.
  16. Sifu

    Mevlüt Erdinç

    If Galatasaray are in for him, I can see him favouring them over us tbh.
  17. Sifu

    Mevlüt Erdinç

    More than likely tbh
  18. Abeid should have come on sooner tbh. I'm really liking the look of the lad.
  19. Erm, the Leyton Orient game that finished 6-1 to them a couple of years ago? Erm your point? That was the catalyst to a collective kick up the backsides, if this turns out to be the same then great, but with that group of lads out there now, just can't see it. We need to buy and we need those players out to get back, but bloody held with all due respect to Orlando City, our reserves should be able to beat them with ease. It was only a pre-season friendly like, so I'm not panicking yet. Neither am I, but these aren't good signs, the lack of creativity is shocking, yes we were without our most creative players but those out there should still be able to make the odd chance, when we got to the final third tonight we did nothing, absolutely nothing all game. You can't just turn on a switch and begin playing when the season starts, these games are first and foremost about fitness but you also want to see a patern of play and understanding develop amongst your players. I thought defensively it was fine, although the opposition was hardly frightening, but from a offensive point of view there was nothing there and that's been the case in all the preseason games so far which is beginning to worry me and should hopefully be worrying Pardew and Ashley. Sounds like you are panicking a bit there. But really we do need another striker so that we don't have to rely on the likes of Lovenkrands and Shola next season. This US tour shouldn't have happened really. Poorly planned out.
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