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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. :ilikeitwhenyoureinsideme: (sorry Skirge).
  2. That doesn't make us a CL team, so no i don't think that will change his mind.
  3. This. There are far too many of them now. Dicks 'Tired' of them? I want them ripped limb from f***ing limb. The only way really.
  4. Exactly. Which is why saying "he's not a left back" is premature.
  5. @milesstarforth Miles Starforth Getting a bit tired of some of the 'in the know' accounts on Twitter...even a stopped clock tells the right time twice a day #nufc 1 minute ago via Echofon
  6. @SkySports Sky Sports #football Skysports.com understands Brighton are poised to sign Kazenga LuaLua on loan with a view to a permanent deal. http://bit.ly/qENDA2 1 minute ago via twitterfeed
  7. 'Young Ferguson' is a left-midfielder, not a left-back. Indeed he is but from what's happened with Taylor today and Jose's continuing uncertainty, Ferguson at left back is the only other feasible option at the moment.
  8. You what? He's good at getting forward, but he's often making the wrong choices when he's around the opponent's box.
  9. Sifu

    We're Doomed

  10. Guess, it's more likely that Shane will be our second choice LB now.
  11. The "three continental strikers under the age of 28" are who are left I reckon.
  12. I like your thinking
  13. What a waste of time this turned out to be.
  14. Sifu

    Other clubs' transfers

    Not sure if I can take someone called Howard Nurse seriously
  15. We've known this all along. He is the puppet, a face for the board.
  16. We never made an offer so why would we know his wage demands? No we didn't make an offer (well this summer anyway) but I reckon it was implied that Ashley knew about N'Zogbia's wage demands through some sort of medium or whatever.
  17. 6 days until we get a new striker
  18. Disappointed by this latest development like. Time to move on and concentrate on bringing in a new striker and left back. All in all, guess Ashley wasn't impressed with N'Zogbia's fee/wage demands. (Can't see a problem with the fee personally :s).
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