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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. I'm not liking this Sports Direct news thing.
  2. Sifu

    Loïc Remy

    My new found optimism is working.
  3. Still one of the best commentators though but I'll concede that he's become annoying recently.
  4. Sifu

    LOL at Lolro

    sigh At least Colin Murray's not on, he would have sucked up to Lawrenson every single week.
  5. I approve of this. Liked him a lot during the Confederations Cup coverage.
  6. Sifu

    Loïc Remy

    Pretty confident this one will get sorted before we face City.
  7. As indicated in The unpopular opinion thread in General Chat:
  8. Sifu

    Darren Bent

    £2 million? :lol: Us in a fucking nutshell.
  9. Sifu

    Darren Bent

    Think this is the least likely deal of them all imo. Pretty confident we'll get Remy and Gomis and that, for me, would mean no Bent.
  10. The actual design is alright, it's just that fucking Wonga logo.
  11. An "eye-catching" performance from Gosling, allegedly...
  12. Sifu

    Shola Ameobi

    I wonder who Shola will invite to play as the opposition in his testimonial...my money's on Barca
  13. This sounds like it's going to be a special night. Pity I'm going to miss it Praying for this to be on TV.
  14. I'm going to ask a very simple question, who scored for us?
  15. Sifu

    Bafetimbi Gomis

    This is not the last we'll hear about this. We're signing him [/newfoundoptimism]
  16. So, for anyone who went today, are we looking in good shape fitness-wise?
  17. Sifu

    Bafetimbi Gomis

    The fee is very reasonable. We'll get him, nee bother.
  18. Sifu

    Loïc Remy

    Which is a very good idea. Something sensible from the club for once... Hope we can get this over the line soon but somehow I think QPR will tell us to fuck off.
  19. He needs to be put down, just simply needs to be locked away from society.
  20. Sifu

    Papiss Cissé

    That photo from Andymc1 was definitely a game changer like. Don't think it would have been resolved within 2 days without that being all over the press... I still don't see how that is relevant to any of this. It's not like he has ever claimed to be the perfect muslim who follows quaran to the word. He just has a faith/moral problem with Wonga. How does the fact he's pictured in the papers gambling change any of that? Only thing it changed are the opinions of some simpleton fans who never understood the real problem to begin with. More likely it's down to Pardew being back from Portugal and having a chat with him. The timing is too coincidental for me...
  21. Sifu

    Shola Ameobi

    We should have a pool on which team he'll have his yearly blinder against (not the mackems), I'll say Chelsea at St. James'.
  22. Sifu

    Papiss Cissé

    That photo from Andymc1 was definitely a game changer like. Don't think it would have been resolved within 2 days without that being all over the press...
  23. Sifu

    Shola Ameobi

    It's 2013 and Foluwashola Ameobi will, more than likely, be starting at least one PL game for us in this coming season.
  24. Sifu

    Papiss Cissé

    This is positive news, let's hope they (the club and Cisse) can put this properly behind them now. We need to fucking crack on with (what has been so far) an indifferent pre-season.
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