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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Yep. Looks like it's mostly just single seats available though. Sound will most likely try and get one on the day...
  2. Sifu

    Football pet hates

    A player applauding a booking/sending off. Really do not like that.
  3. I'll risk the whoosh, fixtures are no longer copyrighted.
  4. Was immense at Bordeaux, lost his way a bit at Lyon.
  5. Sifu


    Gourcuff? Well, that's come out of the blue.
  6. No thanks. I'd take him back in a heartbeat like...
  7. In that case, as I've said above, no news is good news...(in some twisted way, ie Cabaye situation primarily).
  8. I'll take the "no confirmed news" being "good news" line. Anything of note happen today apart from our management being spotted in France?
  9. A change was needed like. The England football team has become very stale.
  10. I concur with everyone else Yorkie, should have decked that fucker.
  11. Did the Sky cameras capture this fucker? http://i.imgur.com/lJgelni.jpg?1
  12. Towards the end of the game, started singing "spend some fucking money." Not that it will do anything like...
  13. The "Cockney Bastard" song came out again tonight.
  14. There was a guy standing behind who's resigned to losing Cabaye. I'm still hopeful but pulling him out of the squad tonight was probably not the best way forward imo.
  15. Not the brightest then. f***ing hell, what do you drive? Concorde? They were signing that after the first goal from what I could hear on TV. It's a sign I the times I think, 90% of fans from any team are more interested in slagging each other off then yet are signing about the football. Live in Manchester. It was more the boozed up teenagers who were doing it and they really are as thick as f***. Standard fare for away games now. Unfortunately so, aye. That's what I've come to see at away games now...
  16. Not the brightest then. f***ing hell, what do you drive? Concorde? They were signing that after the first goal from what I could hear on TV. It's a sign I the times I think, 90% of fans from any team are more interested in slagging each other off then yet are signing about the football. Live in Manchester. It was more the boozed up teenagers who were doing it and they really are as thick as fuck.
  17. Sifu

    Papiss Cissé

    Very poor tonight. Was completely isolated and got bullied off the ball much too often.
  18. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    And nothing's changed!
  19. Sifu

    Paul Dummett

    Given the circumstances, a positive enough debut.
  20. Just got back from the game. Even though that was only the first game and it was against a strengthened City, it literally was soul destroying stuff. Second best all night long and what hurts is that we didn't fucking try. There was no fight in any of the players bar Ben Arfa and Sissoko. Everyone else were just strolling around and were static as fuck. Where was the passion? Our attacking was inept and Cisse, just like last season, was very isolated and did nothing of note - he pretty much got bullied by the City defence. The atmosphere around the away end was rather downbeat (and with good reason) and I'm sorry but all the teenagers there were doing my head in and need to fuck off - instead of concentrating on the game, they were more intent having some "banter" with the City fans, one lad kept slapping his head as a gesture to a City fan, fuck off. Another thing is our end singing "where were you when you were shit?" to the City fans, again that annoyed the fuck out of me because anyone with a fucking footballing brain knew that they had great support when they were in the lower leagues. Rant over. Well then, at least we've City over and done with, got two home games to kick start our season so let's get at them!
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