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Everything posted by Sifu

  1. Cabaye will play and score from a free kick. It is written. Plus we really do need him in our midfield. He really does see things that other players can't in the team.
  2. Didn't see that tweet from Douglas, was fun while it lasted then...
  3. Let's hope we can get this over the line then. Loan or not, we need some sort of stopgap and Ba could very well be the answer.
  4. That f*** is the only reason I celebrated the second goal Same here, shouted at the TV and all that
  5. It says it all when I say that I have no confidence in us winning this tie but as ever I shall be watching.
  6. Sifu

    Players in public

    Saw Rob Lee and cuntman Steve Wraith outside Aspers around Saturday lunchtime.
  7. Sifu

    Alan Pardew

    Stopped reading after that headline: Alan Pardew Is Still One Of The Stronger Tactical Managers In Premier League. Ridiculous opening.
  8. Absolutely, he is our best centre midfielder.
  9. Like I say, Ba's already had his punishment for leaving^^ I'd welcome him back in open arms, yes the way he left was very cuntish but our attacking play at the moment is very toothless and we need someone like Ba who is a proven goalscorer in this league as well as a decent all rounder.
  10. Jesus I forgot Colo did that. Man, he's been crazy for a while. I still think this is funny:
  11. I'd most definitely take Ba back. Besides, he already took his punishment when Colo's boot hit his face.
  12. Arsenal won't pay 20m or even 15m so don't give up hope just yet. If Cabaye had played on the Saturday then I would have felt more at ease about the whole thing.
  13. I've now come to terms with it all - that is, Cabaye's departure is now inevitable Why does this have to happen?
  14. Shit game. Only came alive in the last 10 minutes. Off to get drunk somewhere now.
  15. Andy Cole for me. Can't say I feel the same way about him today mind.
  16. Sifu

    Bafetimbi Gomis

    He should do a Ben Arfa and go on strike.
  17. You're choosing to go to this?!?!?! Well I chose to go to the City game so why not carry on my craziness?
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